# no-unsafe-negation


配置文件中的 "extends": "eslint:recommended" 属性启用了该规则

就像开发人员可能会在他们的意思是 -(a + b) 的负数时键入 -a + b 一样,当他们几乎可以肯定的意思是 !(key in object) 以测试某个键不在对象中时,他们可能会错误地键入 !key in object!obj instanceof Ctor 类似。

# 规则详情


  • in 运算符
  • instanceof 运算符


/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!key in object) {
    // operator precedence makes it equivalent to (!key) in object
    // and type conversion makes it equivalent to (key ? "false" : "true") in object

if (!obj instanceof Ctor) {
    // operator precedence makes it equivalent to (!obj) instanceof Ctor
    // and it equivalent to always false since boolean values are not objects.


/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!(key in object)) {
    // key is not in object

if (!(obj instanceof Ctor)) {
    // obj is not an instance of Ctor

# 异常



/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if ((!foo) in object) {
    // allowed, because the negation is explicitly wrapped in parentheses
    // it is equivalent to (foo ? "false" : "true") in object
    // this is allowed as an exception for rare situations when that is the intended meaning

if(("" + !foo) in object) {
    // you can also make the intention more explicit, with type conversion


/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!(foo) in object) {
    // this is not an allowed exception

# 选项


  • "enforceForOrderingRelations": false(默认)允许对排序关系运算符(<><=>=)的左侧取反
  • "enforceForOrderingRelations": true 不允许对排序关系运算符的左侧求反

# enforceForOrderingRelations

将此选项设置为 true 时,还会针对以下情况额外强制执行该规则:

  • < 运算符。
  • > 运算符。
  • <= 运算符。
  • >= 运算符。

目的是避免当真正的意图是 !(a < b) 时,诸如 ! a < b(相当于 (a ? 0 : 1) < b)之类的表达。

带有 { "enforceForOrderingRelations": true } 选项的此规则的其他错误代码示例:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: ["error", { "enforceForOrderingRelations": true }]*/

if (! a < b) {}

while (! a > b) {}

foo = ! a <= b;

foo = ! a >= b;

# 何时不使用


Last Updated: 5/13/2023, 8:55:38 PM