# lines-around-comment


一些该规则报告的问题可以通过 --fix 命令行选项 自动修复


# 规则详情

此规则要求在评论之前和/或之后有空行。它可以分别为块 (/*) 和行 (//) 注释启用。此规则不适用于与代码出现在同一行的注释,并且不需要在文件的开头或结尾处有空行。

# 选项


  • "beforeBlockComment": true(默认)在块注释之前需要一个空行
  • "afterBlockComment": true 块注释后需要一个空行
  • "beforeLineComment": true 要求行注释前有一个空行
  • "afterLineComment": true 需要一行注释后空行
  • "allowBlockStart": true 允许注释出现在块语句、函数体、类、switch 语句和类静态块的开头
  • "allowBlockEnd": true 允许注释出现在块语句、函数体、类、switch 语句和类静态块的末尾
  • "allowObjectStart": true 允许注释出现在对象字面量的开头
  • "allowObjectEnd": true 允许注释出现在对象字面量的末尾
  • "allowArrayStart": true 允许注释出现在数组字面量的开头
  • "allowArrayEnd": true 允许注释出现在数组字面量的末尾
  • "allowClassStart": true 允许在课程开始时出现注释
  • "allowClassEnd": true 允许在课程结束时出现注释
  • "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns" 启用或禁用规则忽略的默认注释模式
  • "ignorePattern" 被规则忽略的自定义模式

# beforeBlockComment

此规则使用默认 { "beforeBlockComment": true } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
/* what a great and wonderful day */
var day = "great"

此规则使用默认 { "beforeBlockComment": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

/* what a great and wonderful day */
var day = "great"

# afterBlockComment

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

/* what a great and wonderful day */
var day = "great"

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

/* what a great and wonderful day */

var day = "great"

# beforeLineComment

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
// what a great and wonderful day
var day = "great"

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

// what a great and wonderful day
var day = "great"

# afterLineComment

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
// what a great and wonderful day
var day = "great"

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
// what a great and wonderful day

var day = "great"

# allowBlockStart

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/

function foo(){
    // what a great and wonderful day
    var day = "great"
    return day;

if (bar) {
    // what a great and wonderful day

class C {
    // what a great and wonderful day

    method() {
        // what a great and wonderful day

    static {
        // what a great and wonderful day

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/

function foo(){
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    var day = "great"
    return day;

if (bar) {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */

class C {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */

    method() {
        /* what a great and wonderful day */

    static {
        /* what a great and wonderful day */

switch (foo) {
  /* what a great and wonderful day */

  case 1:    

# allowBlockEnd

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/

function foo(){
    var day = "great"
    return day;
    // what a great and wonderful day

if (bar) {
    // what a great and wonderful day

class C {

    method() {
        // what a great and wonderful day

    static {
        // what a great and wonderful day

    // what a great and wonderful day

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/

function foo(){
    var day = "great"
    return day;

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

if (bar) {

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

class C {

    method() {

        /* what a great and wonderful day */

    static {

        /* what a great and wonderful day */

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

switch (foo) {
  case 1:    

  /* what a great and wonderful day */

# allowClassStart

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/

class foo {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    day() {}

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/

class foo {

    // what a great and wonderful day
    day() {}

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }]*/

class foo {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    day() {}

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/

class foo {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    day() {}

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/

class foo {

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    day() {}

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }]*/

class foo {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    day() {}

# allowClassEnd

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }]*/

class foo {
    day() {}
    // what a great and wonderful day

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }]*/

class foo {
    day() {}

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

# allowObjectStart

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/

var foo = {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    day: "great"

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    foo: someDay
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {day: "great"};

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/

var foo = {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    day: "great"

const {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    foo: someDay
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {day: "great"};

# allowObjectEnd

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/

var foo = {
    day: "great"
    // what a great and wonderful day

const {
    foo: someDay
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {day: "great"};

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/

var foo = {
    day: "great"

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const {
    foo: someDay

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {foo: "great"};

const {

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {day: "great"};

# allowArrayStart

此规则使用 { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/

var day = [
    // what a great and wonderful day

const [
    // what a great and wonderful day
] = ["great", "not great"];

此规则使用 { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/

var day = [
    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const [
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
] = ["great", "not great"];

# allowArrayEnd

此规则使用 { "afterLineComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/

var day = [
    // what a great and wonderful day

const [
    // what a great and wonderful day
] = ["great", "not great"];

此规则使用 { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/

var day = [

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const [

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
] = ["great", "not great"];

# ignorePattern

默认情况下,此规则忽略以以下单词开头的注释:eslintjshintjslintistanbulglobalexportedjscs。要忽略默认值之外的更多注释,请将 ignorePattern 选项设置为将传递给 RegExp 构造函数 的字符串模式。

ignorePattern 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error"]*/

/* eslint mentioned in this comment */,

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma" }] */

/* a valid comment using pragma in it */

ignorePattern 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma" }] */

1 + 1;
/* something else */

# applyDefaultIgnorePatterns

即使提供了 ignorePattern,也会应用默认忽略模式。如果要省略默认模式,请将此选项设置为 false

{ "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false } 选项的正确代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma", applyDefaultIgnorePatterns: false }] */

/* a valid comment using pragma in it */

{ "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false } 选项的错误代码示例:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false }] */

/* eslint mentioned in comment */

# 何时不使用


Last Updated: 5/13/2023, 8:55:38 PM