
Prettier plugin for Astro


Prettier Plugin for Astro

Official Prettier plugin adding support for formatting .astro files


  1. ``` sh
  2. npm i --save-dev prettier-plugin-astro prettier
  3. ```

To customize formatting behavior, see the Configuration section below

Using with the Prettier CLI

When using the CLI, Prettier will automatically pick up the plugin

  1. ``` sh
  2. prettier -w .
  3. ```

pnpm support

Due to an upstream issue in Prettier, theplugin-search-dir parameter should be set to the current directory when using pnpm or Prettier won't be able to find the plugin automatically

  1. ``` sh
  2. prettier -w --plugin-search-dir=. .
  3. ```

Using in VS Code

First install the VS Code Prettier extension and add the following settings to your VS Code configuration so VS Code is aware that Prettier can be used for Astro files:

  1. ``` json
  2. {
  3.   "prettier.documentSelectors": ["**/*.astro"]
  4. }
  5. ```

Additionally, you should set Prettier as the default formatter for Astro files or VS Code will ask you to choose a formatter everytime you format since the Astro VS Code extension also includes a formatter for Astro files:

  1. ``` json
  2. {
  3.   "[astro]": {
  4.     "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  5.   }
  6. }
  7. ```

When submitting issues about formatting in VS Code, first make sure you're actually using Prettier to format your files and not the Astro VS Code extension included formatter

pnpm support

Due to an upstream issue, Prettier inside VS Code isn't able to automatically infer the right parser to use for Astro files when using pnpm

As such, add the following settings to your .prettierrc.cjs config file:

  1. ``` js
  2. module.exports = {
  3.   plugins: [require.resolve('prettier-plugin-astro')],
  4.   overrides: [
  5.     {
  6.       files: '*.astro',
  7.       options: {
  8.         parser: 'astro',
  9.       },
  10.     },
  11.   ],
  12. };
  13. ```

The require.resolve call can alternatively be changed to a direct path, like such: plugins: ["./node_modules/prettier-plugin-astro"] for usage inside a non-JS config file


Most options from Prettier will work with the plugin and can be set in a configuration file or through CLI flags.

Astro Allow Shorthand

Set if attributes with the same name as their expression should be formatted to the short form automatically (for example, if enabled `` will become simply ``)


Example .prettierrc.cjs

  1. ``` js
  2. {
  3.   astroAllowShorthand: false;
  4. }
  5. ```


Pull requests of any size and any skill level are welcome, no contribution is too small. Changes to the Astro Prettier Plugin are subject to Astro Governance and should adhere to the Astro Style Guide

See for instructions on how to set up your development environment.


Astro is generously supported by Netlify, Storyblok, and several other amazing organizations.
