Generate JSON schema from your Typescript sources
Extended version of https://github.com/xiag-ag/typescript-to-json-schema.
Inspired by [YousefED/typescript-json-schema](https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema). Here's the differences list:
- this implementation avoids the use of typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation() (so probably it keeps correct type aliases)
- processing AST and formatting JSON schema have been split into two independent steps
- not exported types, interfaces, enums are not exposed in the definitions section in the JSON schema
This project is made possible by a community of contributors. We welcome contributions of any kind (issues, code, documentation, examples, tests,...). Please read our code of conduct.
CLI Usage
- ``` sh
- npm install --save ts-json-schema-generator
- ./node_modules/.bin/ts-json-schema-generator --path 'my/project/**/*.ts' --type 'My.Type.Name'
- ```
Note that different platforms (e.g. Windows) may use different path separators so you may have to adjust the command above.
Programmatic Usage
- ``` js
- // main.js
- const tsj = require("ts-json-schema-generator");
- const fs = require("fs");
- /** @type {import('ts-json-schema-generator/dist/src/Config').Config} */
- const config = {
- path: "path/to/source/file",
- tsconfig: "path/to/tsconfig.json",
- type: "*", // Or
if you want to generate schema for that one type only - };
- const output_path = "path/to/output/file";
- const schema = tsj.createGenerator(config).createSchema(config.type);
- const schemaString = JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2);
- fs.writeFile(output_path, schemaString, (err) => {
- if (err) throw err;
- });
- ```
Run the schema generator via node main.js.
Custom formatting
Extending the built-in formatting is possible by creating a custom formatter and adding it to the main formatter:
1. First we create a formatter, in this case for formatting function types:
- ```ts
- // my-function-formatter.ts
- import { BaseType, Definition, FunctionType, SubTypeFormatter } from "ts-json-schema-generator";
- import ts from "typescript";
- export class MyFunctionTypeFormatter implements SubTypeFormatter {
- // You can skip this line if you don't need childTypeFormatter
- public constructor(private childTypeFormatter: TypeFormatter) {}
- public supportsType(type: FunctionType): boolean {
- return type instanceof FunctionType;
- }
- public getDefinition(type: FunctionType): Definition {
- // Return a custom schema for the function property.
- return {
- type: "object",
- properties: {
- isFunction: {
- type: "boolean",
- const: true,
- },
- },
- };
- }
- // If this type does NOT HAVE children, generally all you need is:
- public getChildren(type: FunctionType): BaseType[] {
- return [];
- }
- // However, if children ARE supported, you'll need something similar to
- // this (see src/TypeFormatter/{Array,Definition,etc}.ts for some examples):
- public getChildren(type: FunctionType): BaseType[] {
- return this.childTypeFormatter.getChildren(type.getType());
- }
- }
- ```
2. Then we add the formatter as a child to the core formatter using the augmentation callback:
- ```ts
- import { createProgram, createParser, SchemaGenerator, createFormatter } from "ts-json-schema-generator";
- import { MyFunctionTypeFormatter } from "./my-function-formatter.ts";
- import fs from "fs";
- const config = {
- path: "path/to/source/file",
- tsconfig: "path/to/tsconfig.json",
- type: "*", // Or
if you want to generate schema for that one type only - };
- // We configure the formatter an add our custom formatter to it.
- const formatter = createFormatter(config, (fmt, circularReferenceTypeFormatter) => {
- // If your formatter DOES NOT support children, e.g. getChildren() { return [] }:
- fmt.addTypeFormatter(new MyFunctionTypeFormatter());
- // If your formatter DOES support children, you'll need this reference too:
- fmt.addTypeFormatter(new MyFunctionTypeFormatter(circularReferenceTypeFormatter));
- });
- const program = createProgram(config);
- const parser = createParser(program, config);
- const generator = new SchemaGenerator(program, parser, formatter, config);
- const schema = generator.createSchema(config.type);
- const schemaString = JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2);
- fs.writeFile(output_path, schemaString, (err) => {
- if (err) throw err;
- });
- ```
Custom parsing
Similar to custom formatting, extending the built-in parsing works practically the same way:
1. First we create a parser, in this case for parsing construct types:
- ```ts
- // my-constructor-parser.ts
- import { Context, StringType, ReferenceType, BaseType, SubNodeParser } from "ts-json-schema-generator";
- // use typescript exported by TJS to avoid version conflict
- import ts from "ts-json-schema-generator";
- export class MyConstructorParser implements SubNodeParser {
- supportsNode(node: ts.Node): boolean {
- return node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructorType;
- }
- createType(node: ts.Node, context: Context, reference?: ReferenceType): BaseType | undefined {
- return new StringType(); // Treat constructors as strings in this example
- }
- }
- ```
2. Then we add the parser as a child to the core parser using the augmentation callback:
- ```ts
- import { createProgram, createParser, SchemaGenerator, createFormatter } from "ts-json-schema-generator";
- import { MyConstructorParser } from "./my-constructor-parser.ts";
- import fs from "fs";
- const config = {
- path: "path/to/source/file",
- tsconfig: "path/to/tsconfig.json",
- type: "*", // Or
if you want to generate schema for that one type only - };
- const program = createProgram(config);
- // We configure the parser an add our custom parser to it.
- const parser = createParser(program, config, (prs) => {
- prs.addNodeParser(new MyConstructorParser());
- });
- const formatter = createFormatter(config);
- const generator = new SchemaGenerator(program, parser, formatter, config);
- const schema = generator.createSchema(config.type);
- const schemaString = JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2);
- fs.writeFile(output_path, schemaString, (err) => {
- if (err) throw err;
- });
- ```
- ```
- -p, --path 'index.ts'
- The path to the TypeScript source file. If this is not provided, the type will be searched in the project specified in the `.tsconfig`.
- -t, --type 'My.Type.Name'
- The type the generated schema will represent. If omitted, the generated schema will contain all
- types found in the files matching path. The same is true if '*' is specified.
- -i, --id 'generatedSchemaId'
- The `$id` of the generated schema. If omitted, there will be no `$id`.
- -e, --expose <all|none|export>
- all: Create shared $ref definitions for all types.
- none: Do not create shared $ref definitions.
- export (default): Create shared $ref definitions only for exported types (not tagged as `@internal`).
- -f, --tsconfig 'my/project/tsconfig.json'
- Use a custom tsconfig file for processing typescript (see https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html) instead of the default:
- {
- "compilerOptions": {
- "noEmit": true,
- "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
- "experimentalDecorators": true,
- "target": "ES5",
- "module": "CommonJS",
- "strictNullChecks": false,
- }
- }
- -j, --jsDoc <extended|none|basic>
- none: Do not use JsDoc annotations.
- basic: Read JsDoc annotations to provide schema properties.
- extended (default): Also read @nullable, and @asType annotations.
- --unstable
- Do not sort properties.
- --strict-tuples
- Do not allow additional items on tuples.
- --no-top-ref
- Do not create a top-level $ref definition.
- --no-type-check
- Skip type checks for better performance.
- --no-ref-encode
- Do not encode references. According to the standard, references must be valid URIs but some tools do not support encoded references.
- --validation-keywords
- Provide additional validation keywords to include.
- -o, --out
- Specify the output file path. Without this option, the generator logs the response in the console.
- --additional-properties <true|false>
- Controls whether or not to allow additional properties for objects that have no index signature.
- true: Additional properties are allowed
- false (default): Additional properties are not allowed
- --minify
- Minify generated schema (default: false)
- ```
Current state
- interface types
- enum types
- union, tuple, type[] types
- Date, RegExp, URL types
- string, boolean, number types
- "value", 123, true, false, null, undefined literals
- type aliases
- generics
- typeof
- keyof
- conditional types
Run locally
yarn --silent run run --path 'test/valid-data/type-mapped-array/*.ts' --type 'MyObject'
yarn --silent run debug --path 'test/valid-data/type-mapped-array/*.ts' --type 'MyObject'
And connect via the debugger protocol.
AST Explorer is amazing for developers of this tool!
Publishing is handled by a 2-branch pre-release process, configured inpublish-auto.yml. All changes should be based off the default next branch, and are published automatically.
- PRs made into the default branch are auto-deployed to the next pre-release tag on NPM. The result can be installed with npm install ts-json-schema-generator@next
- When merging into next, please use the squash and merge strategy.
- When merging from next into stable, please use the create a merge commit strategy.