Unobtrusive Javascript Framework for server-side applications
Unobtrusive JavaScript framework for server-side applications
Unpoly enables fast and flexible frontends with minimal changes to your server-side code.
This branch tracks the next major version, Unpoly 3.x.\
If you're using Unpoly 2.x, use the [2.x-stable](https://github.com/unpoly/unpoly/tree/2.x-stable) branch.\
If you're using Unpoly 1.x or 0.x, use the [1.x-stable](https://github.com/unpoly/unpoly/tree/1.x-stable) branch.
Getting started
- See unpoly.com for guides and documentation.
- See installation instructions for many different package managers and languages.
- See discussions for our community forum.
- See notable changes.
Installing development dependencies
To build Unpoly you require Node.js, Webpack and other npm packages.
Install the Node version from .nvmrc.
To install Webpack and other required npm packages, run:
- ```
- npm install
- ```
Quick start
The following will build the library and open a web browser with the test suite:
- ```
- npm run dev
- ```
To run individual tasks instead, see below.
Building the library
Tests don't consume the sources directly, but from a transpiled build in dist/.
To make fresh build, run:
- ```
- npm run build-dev
- ```
This will build transpiled files such as:
- ```
- dist/unpoly.js
- dist/unpoly.css
- dist/unpoly-migrate.js
- dist/jasmine.js
- dist/specs.js
- ```
There is also a task npm run build for a production build. This does not build files for testing, but also outputs minified versions.
Watching files for changes
During development it is impractical to make a full build after every change. Instead it is recommend to watch the project:
- ```
- npm run watch-dev
- ```
This will make a fresh build and then watch the project for changes to the source files. When a source changes, affected build files are automatically recompiled. The incremental recompilation is much faster than a full build.
Running tests
Tests run using a browser-based Jasmine runner.
To start a web server serving the Jasmine runner:
- ```
- npm run test
- ```
In addition to the unit tests, there is an optional support repo [unpoly-manual-tests](https://github.com/unpoly/unpoly-manual-tests). It contains a Rails app to play with Unpoly features that are hard to test well with a unit test. E.g. the visual look of overlays, or edge cases when booting Unpoly.
Making a new release
You can use this repository to publish a new version of the unpoly npm package.
The release process currently requires Ruby. To install these dependencies:
- Install the Ruby version from .ruby-version
- Run bundle install
There is a guided CLI interface to lead you through the release process. To start the process run:
- ```
- bundle exec rake release:process
- ```