React Email Editor
Drag-n-Drop Email Editor Component for React.js
React Email Editor
The excellent drag-n-drop email editor by Unlayer as a React.js _wrapper component_. This is the most powerful and developer friendly visual email builder for your app.
| Video Overview |
| :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| _Watch video overview: |
Live Demo
Check out the live demo here: (Source Code)
Blog Post
Here's a blog post with a quickstart guide:
The easiest way to use React Email Editor is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process.
- ```
- npm install react-email-editor --save
- ```
Require the EmailEditor component and render it with JSX:
- ``` js
- import React, { useRef } from 'react';
- import { render } from 'react-dom';
- import EmailEditor from 'react-email-editor';
- const App = (props) => {
- const emailEditorRef = useRef(null);
- const exportHtml = () => {
- emailEditorRef.current.editor.exportHtml((data) => {
- const { design, html } = data;
- console.log('exportHtml', html);
- });
- };
- const onLoad = () => {
- // editor instance is created
- // you can load your template here;
- // const templateJson = {};
- // emailEditorRef.current.editor.loadDesign(templateJson);
- }
- const onReady = () => {
- // editor is ready
- console.log('onReady');
- };
- return (
- <div>
- <div>
- <button onClick={exportHtml}>Export HTML</button>
- </div>
- <EmailEditor ref={emailEditorRef} onLoad={onLoad} onReady={onReady} />
- </div>
- );
- };
- render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
- ```
method | params | description |
-------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
**loadDesign** | `Object | Takes |
**saveDesign** | `Function | Returns |
**exportHtml** | `Function | Returns |
See the example source for a reference implementation.
- editorId String HTML div id of the container where the editor will be embedded (optional)
- style Object style object for the editor container (default {})
- minHeight String minimum height to initialize the editor with (default 500px)
- onLoad Function called when the editor instance is created
- onReady Function called when the editor has finished loading
- options Object options passed to the Unlayer editor instance (default {})
- tools Object configuration for the built-in and custom tools (default {})
- appearance Object configuration for appearance and theme (default {})
- projectId Integer Unlayer project ID (optional)
See the Unlayer Docs for all available options.
Custom Tools
Custom tools can help you add your own content blocks to the editor. Every application is different and needs different tools to reach it's full potential. Learn More
You can submit new language translations by creating a PR on this GitHub repo: Translations managed by PhraseApp
Copyright (c) 2022 Unlayer. MIT Licensed.