High performance, secure and easy-to-use image optimizer.


🖼️ IPX


This is the active branch for IPX v2. Check out ipx/v1 for v1 docs.

High performance, secure and easy-to-use image optimizer powered by sharp and svgo.

Used by Nuxt Image and Netlify and open to everyone!

Using CLI

You can use ipx command to start server.

Using npx:

  1. ```bash
  2. npx ipx serve --dir ./
  3. ```

Usin bun

  1. ```bash
  2. bun x npx ipx serve --dir ./
  3. ```

The default serve directory is the current working directory.

Programatic API

You can use IPX as a middleware or directly use IPX interface.

  1. ```ts
  2. import { createIPX, ipxFSStorage, ipxHttpStorage } from "ipx";

  3. const ipx = createIPX({
  4.   storage: ipxFSStorage({ dir: "./public" }),
  5.   httpStorage: ipxHttpStorage({ domains: ["picsum.photos"] }),
  6. });
  7. ```

Example: Using with unjs/h3:

  1. ```js
  2. import { listen } from "listhen";
  3. import { createApp, toNodeListener } from "h3";
  4. import {
  5.   createIPX,
  6.   ipxFSStorage,
  7.   ipxHttpStorage,
  8.   createIPXH3Handler,
  9. } from "ipx";

  10. const ipx = createIPX({
  11.   storage: ipxFSStorage({ dir: "./public" }),
  12.   httpStorage: ipxHttpStorage({ domains: ["picsum.photos"] }),
  13. });

  14. const app = createApp().use("/", createIPXH3Handler(ipx));

  15. listen(toNodeListener(app));
  16. ```

Example: Using express:

  1. ```js
  2. import { listen } from "listhen";
  3. import express from "express";
  4. import {
  5.   createIPX,
  6.   ipxFSStorage,
  7.   ipxHttpStorage,
  8.   createIPXNodeServer,
  9. } from "ipx";

  10. const ipx = createIPX({
  11.   storage: ipxFSStorage({ dir: "./public" }),
  12.   httpStorage: ipxHttpStorage({ domains: ["picsum.photos"] }),
  13. });

  14. const app = express().use("/", createIPXNodeServer(ipx));

  15. listen(app);
  16. ```

URL Examples

Get original image:


Change format to webp and keep other things same as source:


Keep original format (png) and set width to 200:


Resize to 200x200px using embed method and change format to webp:



You can universally customize IPX configuration using IPX_* environment variables.


  - Default: {}

Filesystem Source Options

(enabled by default with CLI only)


- Default: . (current working directory)


- Default: 300

HTTP(s) Source Options

(enabled by default with CLI only)


- Default: []


- Default: 300


- Default: {}


- Default: false