Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes
Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes
Migration Guides:
(Date format: dd-mm-yyyy)
- 8 to 9 (released on22-09-2021)
- 7 to 8 (released on28-07-2021)
- 6 to 7 (released on01-04-2020)
- 5 to 6 (released on30-09-2019)
Basic usage
- ```ts
- import { prop, getModelForClass } from '@typegoose/typegoose';
- import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
- class User {
- @prop()
- public name?: string;
- @prop({ type: () => [String] })
- public jobs?: string[];
- }
- const UserModel = getModelForClass(User); // UserModel is a regular Mongoose Model with correct types
- (async () => {
- await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, dbName: 'test' });
- const { _id: id } = await UserModel.create({ name: 'JohnDoe', jobs: ['Cleaner'] } as User); // an "as" assertion, to have types for all properties
- const user = await UserModel.findById(id).exec();
- console.log(user); // prints { _id: 59218f686409d670a97e53e0, name: 'JohnDoe', __v: 0 }
- })();
- ```
A common problem when using Mongoose with TypeScript is that you have to define both the Mongoose model and the TypeScript interface. If the model changes, you also have to keep the TypeScript interface file in sync or the TypeScript interface would not represent the real data structure of the model.
Typegoose aims to solve this problem by defining only a TypeScript interface (class), which needs to be enhanced with special Typegoose decorators (like @prop).
Under the hood it uses the Reflect & reflect-metadata API to retrieve the types of the properties, so redundancy can be significantly reduced.
Instead of writing this:
- ```ts
- // This is a representation of how typegoose's compile output would look like
- interface Car {
- model?: string;
- }
- interface Job {
- title?: string;
- position?: string;
- }
- interface User {
- name?: string;
- age!: number;
- preferences?: string[];
- mainJob?: Job;
- jobs?: Job[];
- mainCar?: Car | string;
- cars?: (Car | string)[];
- }
- const JobSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
- title: String;
- position: String;
- });
- const CarModel = mongoose.model('Car', {
- model: string,
- });
- const UserModel = mongoose.model('User', {
- name: { type: String },
- age: { type: Number, required: true },
- preferences: [{ type: String }],
- mainJob: { type: JobSchema },
- jobs: [{ type: JobSchema }],
- mainCar: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Car' },
- cars: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Car' }],
- });
- ```
You can just write this:
- ```ts
- class Job {
- @prop()
- public title?: string;
- @prop()
- public position?: string;
- }
- class Car {
- @prop()
- public model?: string;
- }
- class User {
- @prop()
- public name?: string;
- @prop({ required: true })
- public age!: number; // This is a single Primitive
- @prop({ type: () => [String] })
- public preferences?: string[]; // This is a Primitive Array
- @prop()
- public mainJob?: Job; // This is a single SubDocument
- @prop({ type: () => Job })
- public jobs?: Job[]; // This is a SubDocument Array
- @prop({ ref: () => Car })
- public mainCar?: Ref<Car>; // This is a single Reference
- @prop({ ref: () => Car })
- public cars?: Ref<Car>[]; // This is a Reference Array
- }
- ```
Requirements & Install
- ```sh
- yarn install
- yarn run test
- ```
This Project should comply with Semver. It uses theMajor.Minor.Fix standard (or in NPM terms, Major.Minor.Patch).
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