JavaScript/TypeScript animation engine
JavaScript tweening engine for easy animations, incorporating optimised Robert Penner's equations.
Update Note In v18 the script you should include has moved from src/Tween.js to dist/tween.umd.js. See the installation section below.
- ```javascript
- const box = document.createElement('div')
-'background-color', '#008800')
-'width', '100px')
-'height', '100px')
- document.body.appendChild(box)
- // Setup the animation loop.
- function animate(time) {
- requestAnimationFrame(animate)
- TWEEN.update(time)
- }
- requestAnimationFrame(animate)
- const coords = {x: 0, y: 0} // Start at (0, 0)
- const tween = new TWEEN.Tween(coords) // Create a new tween that modifies 'coords'.
- .to({x: 300, y: 200}, 1000) // Move to (300, 200) in 1 second.
- .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out) // Use an easing function to make the animation smooth.
- .onUpdate(() => {
- // Called after tween.js updates 'coords'.
- // Move 'box' to the position described by 'coords' with a CSS translation.
-'transform', `translate(${coords.x}px, ${coords.y}px)`)
- })
- .start() // Start the tween immediately.
- ```
Currently npm is required to build the project.
- ```bash
- git clone
- cd tween.js
- npm i .
- npm run build
- ```
This will create some builds in the dist directory. There are currently four different builds of the library:
- UMD : tween.umd.js
- AMD : tween.amd.js
- CommonJS : tween.cjs.js
- ES6 Module :
You are now able to copy tween.umd.js into your project, then include it with
a script tag. This will add TWEEN to the global scope.
- ```html
- <script src="js/tween.umd.js"></script>
- ```
With require('@tweenjs/tween.js')
You can add tween.js as an npm dependency:
- ```bash
- npm i @tweenjs/tween.js@^18
- ```
If you are using Node, Webpack, or Browserify, then you can now use the following to include tween.js:
- ```javascript
- const TWEEN = require('@tweenjs/tween.js')
- ```
- Does one thing and one thing only: tween properties
- Doesn't take care of CSS units (e.g. appending px)
- Doesn't interpolate colours
- Easing functions are reusable outside of Tween
- Can also use custom easing functions
- Tutorial using tween.js with three.js
![]() | Custom functions (source) | ![]() | Stop all chained tweens (source) |
![]() | Yoyo (source) | ![]() | Relative values (source) |
![]() | Repeat (source) | ![]() | Dynamic to (source) |
![]() | Array interpolation (source) | ![]() | Video and time (source) |
![]() | Simplest possible example (source) | ![]() | Graphs (source) |
![]() | Black and red (source) | ![]() | Bars (source) |
![]() | hello world (source) |
You need to install npm first--this comes with node.js, so install that one first. Then, cd to tween.js's directory and run:
- ```bash
- npm install
- ```
To run the tests run:
- ```bash
- npm test
- ```
If you want to add any feature or change existing features, you _must_ run the tests to make sure you didn't break anything else. Any pull request (PR) needs to have updated passing tests for feature changes (or new passing tests for new features) in src/tests.ts, otherwise the PR won't be accepted. See contributing for more information.