DTS Bundle Generator
A tool to generate a single bundle of dts with types tree-shaking
DTS Bundle Generator
Small tool to generate a dts bundle from your ts code.
For example:
- ```ts
- // a.ts
- export class A {}
- ```
- ```ts
- // b.ts
- export class B {}
- ```
- ```ts
- // entry.ts
- import { A } from './a';
- import { B } from './b';
- declare function makeA(): A;
- export function makeB(): B {
- makeA();
- return new B();
- }
- ```
When you run dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts entry.ts in my.d.ts you will get the following:
- ```ts
- declare class B {
- }
- export declare function makeB(): B;
- ```
1. Install the package from npm:
npm install --save-dev dts-bundle-generator
npm install -g dts-bundle-generator
1. Enable declaration compiler option in tsconfig.json
- ```
- Usage: dts-bundle-generator [options] <file(s)>
- Options:
- --help Show help [boolean]
- --out-file, -o File name of generated d.ts [string]
- --verbose Enable verbose logging [boolean] [default: false]
- --silent Disable any logging except errors [boolean] [default: false]
- --no-check Skip validation of generated d.ts file [boolean] [default: false]
- --fail-on-class Fail if generated dts contains class declaration
- [boolean] [default: false]
- --external-inlines Array of package names from node_modules to inline typings from.
- Used types will be inlined into the output file [array]
- --external-imports Array of package names from node_modules to import typings from.
- Used types will be imported using "import { First, Second } from
- 'library-name';".
- By default all libraries will be imported (except inlined libraries
- and libraries from @types) [array]
- --external-types Array of package names from @types to import typings from via the
- triple-slash reference directive.
- By default all packages are allowed and will be used according to
- their usages [array]
- --umd-module-name Name of the UMD module. If specified then `export as namespace
- ModuleName;` will be emitted [string]
- --project Path to the tsconfig.json file that will be used for the
- compilation [string]
- --sort Sort output nodes [boolean] [default: false]
- --inline-declare-global Enables inlining of `declare global` statements contained in files
- which should be inlined (all local files and packages from
- `--external-inlines`) [boolean] [default: false]
- --inline-declare-externals Enables inlining of `declare module` statements of the global
- modules (e.g. `declare module 'external-module' {}`, but NOT
- `declare module './internal-module' {}`) contained in files which
- should be inlined (all local files and packages from inlined
- libraries) [boolean] [default: false]
- --disable-symlinks-following (EXPERIMENTAL) Disables resolving of symlinks to the original path.
- See https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/39 for
- more information [boolean] [default: false]
- --respect-preserve-const-enum Enables stripping the `const` keyword from every direct-exported
- (or re-exported) from entry file `const enum`. See
- https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/110 for more
- information [boolean] [default: false]
- --export-referenced-types By default all interfaces, types and const enums are marked as
- exported even if they aren't exported directly. This option allows
- you to disable this behavior so a node will be exported if it is
- exported from root source file only. [boolean] [default: true]
- --config File path to the generator config file [string]
- --no-banner Allows remove "Generated by dts-bundle-generator" comment from the
- output [boolean] [default: false]
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- ```
- ```bash
- ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts path/to/your/entry-file.ts
- ```
- ```bash
- ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator path/to/your/entry-file.ts path/to/your/entry-file-2.ts
- ```
- ```bash
- ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator --external-inlines=@mycompany/internal-project --external-imports=@angular/core rxjs path/to/your/entry-file.ts
- ```
- ```bash
- ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator --external-types=jquery path/to/your/entry-file.ts
- ```
Config file
It is unnecessary, but you can use config file for the tool. See config documentation for more information.
If you have modules then you can create definitions by default using tsc, but tsc generates them for each module separately.
Yeah, you can use outFile (for amd and system), but generated code looks like this:
- ```ts
- declare module "a" {
- export class A {
- }
- }
- declare module "b" {
- export class B {
- }
- }
- declare module "entry" {
- import { B } from "b";
- export function makeB(): B;
- }
- ```
1. A is not used at all and most probably you do not want to export it.
1. If you bundle your code in a way when all modules are merged (like when using Webpack or Rollup) then there should be no such modules as a or b (actually entry too) in the resulting file.
Known limitations
1. All your types should have different names inside a bundle. If you have 2 interface Options {} they will be merged by TypeScript and you will get wrong definitions (see https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/116 and https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/130)
1. Importing and exporting with renaming in modules outside of entry points is limited/not supported as yet (see https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/184)