Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files


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SVG Optimizer is a Node.js-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.


SVG files, especially those exported from various editors, usually contain a lot of redundant and useless information. This can include editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or non-optimal values and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without affecting the SVG rendering result.


  1. ```sh
  2. # Via npm
  3. npm -g install svgo
  4. # Via yarn
  5. yarn global add svgo
  6. ```

CLI usage

  1. ```sh
  2. # Processing single files:
  3. svgo one.svg two.svg -o one.min.svg two.min.svg
  4. # Processing directory of svg files, recursively using `-f`, `--folder` :
  5. svgo -f ./path/to/folder/with/svg/files -o ./path/to/folder/with/svg/output
  6. # Help for advanced usage
  7. svgo --help
  8. ```


SVGO has a plugin-based architecture, separate plugins allows various xml svg optimizations. See built-in plugins.
SVGO automatically loads configuration from svgo.config.js or from --config ./path/myconfig.js. Some general options can be configured via CLI.

  1. ``` js
  2. // svgo.config.js
  3. module.exports = {
  4.   multipass: true, // boolean. false by default
  5.   datauri: 'enc', // 'base64' (default), 'enc' or 'unenc'.
  6.   js2svg: {
  7.     indent: 2, // string with spaces or number of spaces. 4 by default
  8.     pretty: true, // boolean, false by default
  9.   },
  10.   plugins: [
  11.     // set of built-in plugins enabled by default
  12.     'preset-default',

  13.     // enable built-in plugins by name
  14.     'prefixIds',

  15.     // or by expanded notation which allows to configure plugin
  16.     {
  17.       name: 'sortAttrs',
  18.       params: {
  19.         xmlnsOrder: 'alphabetical',
  20.       },
  21.     },
  22.   ],
  23. };
  24. ```

Default preset

When extending default configuration specify preset-default plugin to enable optimisations.
Each plugin of default preset can be disabled or configured with "overrides" param.

  1. ``` js
  2. module.exports = {
  3.   plugins: [
  4.     {
  5.       name: 'preset-default',
  6.       params: {
  7.         overrides: {
  8.           // customize default plugin options
  9.           inlineStyles: {
  10.             onlyMatchedOnce: false,
  11.           },

  12.           // or disable plugins
  13.           removeDoctype: false,
  14.         },
  15.       },
  16.     },
  17.   ],
  18. };
  19. ```

Default preset includes the following list of plugins:

- removeDoctype
- removeXMLProcInst
- removeComments
- removeMetadata
- removeEditorsNSData
- cleanupAttrs
- mergeStyles
- inlineStyles
- minifyStyles
- cleanupIds
- removeUselessDefs
- cleanupNumericValues
- convertColors
- removeUnknownsAndDefaults
- removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs
- removeUselessStrokeAndFill
- removeViewBox
- cleanupEnableBackground
- removeHiddenElems
- removeEmptyText
- convertShapeToPath
- convertEllipseToCircle
- moveElemsAttrsToGroup
- moveGroupAttrsToElems
- collapseGroups
- convertPathData
- convertTransform
- removeEmptyAttrs
- removeEmptyContainers
- mergePaths
- removeUnusedNS
- sortDefsChildren
- removeTitle
- removeDesc

Custom plugin

It's also possible to specify a custom plugin:

  1. ``` js
  2. const anotherCustomPlugin = require('./another-custom-plugin.js');
  3. module.exports = {
  4.   plugins: [
  5.     {
  6.       name: 'customPluginName',
  7.       params: {
  8.         optionName: 'optionValue',
  9.       },
  10.       fn: (ast, params, info) => {},
  11.     },
  12.     anotherCustomPlugin,
  13.   ],
  14. };
  15. ```

API usage

SVGO provides a few low level utilities.


The core of SVGO is optimize function.

  1. ``` js
  2. const { optimize } = require('svgo');
  3. const result = optimize(svgString, {
  4.   // optional but recommended field
  5.   path: 'path-to.svg',
  6.   // all config fields are also available here
  7.   multipass: true,
  8. });
  9. const optimizedSvgString =;
  10. ```


If you write a tool on top of SVGO you might need a way to load SVGO config.

  1. ``` js
  2. const { loadConfig } = require('svgo');
  3. const config = await loadConfig();

  4. // you can also specify a relative or absolute path and customize the current working directory
  5. const config = await loadConfig(configFile, cwd);
  6. ```

Built-in plugins


Other Ways to Use SVGO

- as a web app – SVGOMG
- as a GitHub Action – SVGO Action
- as a Grunt task – grunt-svgmin
- as a Gulp task – gulp-svgmin
- as a Mimosa module – mimosa-minify-svg
- as an OSX Folder Action – svgo-osx-folder-action
- as a webpack loader – image-webpack-loader
- as a Telegram Bot – svgo_bot
- as a PostCSS plugin – postcss-svgo
- as an Inkscape plugin – inkscape-svgo
- as a Sketch plugin - svgo-compressor
- as a macOS app - Image Shrinker
- as a Rollup plugin - rollup-plugin-svgo
- as a VS Code plugin - vscode-svgo
- as a Atom plugin - atom-svgo
- as a Sublime plugin - Sublime-svgo
- as a Figma plugin - Advanced SVG Export
- as a Linux app - Oh My SVG
- as a Browser extension - SVG Gobbler
- as an API - Vector Express


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| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
|                       SheetJS LLC                        |                                               Fontello                                               |

License and Copyright

This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.