
Beautiful API references from Swagger/OpenAPI files


Scalar API Reference

Generate interactive API documentations from Swagger files. Try our Demo


- Uses Swagger/OpenAPI spec files
- Request examples for a ton of languages + frameworks
- Has an integrated API client
- Edit your Swagger files with a live preview
- Doesn’t look like it’s 2011


Join us to see upcoming features, discuss the roadmap and chat about APIs with us. 💬

Getting Started

From a CDN

  1. ```html
  2. <!doctype html>
  3. <html>
  4.   <head>
  5.     <title>API Reference</title>
  6.     <meta charset="utf-8" />
  7.     <meta
  8.       name="viewport"
  9.       content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  10.   </head>
  11.   <body>
  12.     !-- Add your own OpenAPI/Swagger spec file URL here: -->
  13.     !-- Note: this includes our proxy, you can remove the following line if you do not need it -->
  14.     !-- data-proxy-url="" -->
  15.     <script
  16.       id="api-reference"
  17.       data-url=""
  18.       data-proxy-url=""</script>
  19.     !-- You can also set a full configuration object like this -->
  20.     !-- easier for nested objects -->
  21.     <script>
  22.       var configuration = {
  23.         theme: 'purple',
  24.       }
  25.       var apiReference = document.getElementById('api-reference')
  26.       apiReference.dataset.configuration = JSON.stringify(configuration)
  27.     </script>
  28.     <script src=""></script>
  29.   </body>
  30. </html>
  31. ```

You can also use the following syntax to directly pass an OpenAPI spec:

  1. ```html
  2. <script
  3.   id="api-reference"
  4.   type="application/json">
  5.   { … }
  6. </script>
  7. ```

If you’d like to add a request proxy for the API client (to avoid CORS issues):

  1. ```html
  2. <script
  3.   id="api-reference"
  4.   type="application/json"
  5.   data-proxy-url="">
  6.   { … }
  7. </script>
  8. ```

With Vue.js

The API Reference is built in Vue.js. If you’re working in Vue.js, too, you can directly use our Vue components. Just install them:

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install @scalar/api-reference
  3. ```

And import the ApiReference component to your app:

  1. ```vue
  2. <script setup lang="ts">
  3. import { ApiReference } from '@scalar/api-reference'
  4. </script>

  5. <template>
  6.   <ApiReference />
  7. </template>
  8. ```

With React

The API Reference package is written in Vue, that shouldn’t stop you from using
it in React though! We have created a client side (untested on SSR/SSG) wrapper
in react.

  1. ```ts
  2. import { ApiReferenceReact } from '@scalar/api-reference-react'
  3. import React from 'react'

  4. function App() {
  5.   return (
  6.     <ApiReferenceReact
  7.       configuration={{
  8.         spec: {
  9.           url: '',
  10.         },
  11.       }}
  12.     />
  13.   )
  14. }

  15. export default App
  16. ```

With Nextjs

Our Next.js handler makes it easy to render a reference, just add it to an Api
route handler:

  1. ```ts
  2. // app/reference/route.ts
  3. import { ApiReference } from '@scalar/nextjs-api-reference'

  4. const config = {
  5.   spec: {
  6.     url: '/swagger.json',
  7.   },
  8. }

  9. export const GET = ApiReference(config)
  10. ```