A set of React UI components that supports Pinterest’s design language
Gestalt ·

Gestalt is Pinterest’s design system. Our system includes a React component library with comprehensive guidelines, best practices, tools, and resources to support designers and engineers delivering a high-quality product.
The package can be installed via npm:
- ``` sh
- npm i gestalt --save
- npm i gestalt-datepicker --save
- ```
Or via yarn:
- ``` sh
- yarn add gestalt
- yarn add gestalt-datepicker
- ```
Gestalt exports each component as ES6 modules and a single, precompiled CSS file:
- ``` js
- import { Text } from 'gestalt';
- import 'gestalt/dist/gestalt.css';
- ```
That syntax is Webpack specific (and will work with Create React App), but you can use Gestalt anywhere that supports ES6 module bundling and global CSS.
Gestalt is a multi-project monorepo. The docs and components are all organized as separate packages that share similar tooling.
Install project dependencies and run tests:
- ``` sh
- yarn
- yarn test
- ```
Build and watch Gestalt & run the docs server:
- ``` sh
- yarn start
- ```
Visit http://localhost:8888/ and click on a component to view the docs.
When a release will cause breaking changes — in usage or in typing — we provide a codemod to ease the upgrade process. Codemods are organized by release in /packages/gestalt-codemods.
Clone the Gestalt repo locally if you haven't already. Run the relevant codemod(s) in the relevant directory of your repo (not the Gestalt repo): anywhere the component to be updated is used. Example usage for a codebase using Flow:
- ``` sh
- yarn codemod --parser=flow -t={relative/path/to/codemod} relative/path/to/your/code
- ```
For a dry run to see what the changes will be, add the -d (dry run) and -p (print output) flags (pipe stdout to a file for easier inspection if you like).
Every commit to master performs a release. As a reviewer, ensure the correct label is attached to every PR. Please follow semantic versioning.
- patch release: documentation updates / spelling mistakes in code / internal scripts
- minor release: add component / add component props / API change with codemod
- major release: backwards incompatible API change without codemod
Example PR title: Avatar: Add outline prop
Typescript Support
Install the DefinitelyTyped definitions.
Install via npm:
- ``` sh
- npm i --save @types/gestalt
- ```
Or via yarn:
- ``` sh
- yarn add @types/gestalt
- ```