the cookie based on the key. If the applications .keys is set, then the
cookie will be verified against a signed version of the cookie. If the cookie
is valid, the promise will resolve with the value. If it is invalid, the
cookie signature will be set to deleted on the response. If the cookie was not
signed by the current key, it will be resigned and added to the response.
Will set a cookie in the response based on the provided key, value and any
options. If the applications .keys is set, then the cookie will be signed
and the signature added to the response. As the keys are signed
asynchronously, awaiting the .set() method is advised.
The context.request contains information about the request. It contains
several properties:
- .hasBody
Set to true if the request might have a body, or false if it does not. It
does not validate if the body is supported by the built in body parser though.
WARNING this is an unreliable API. In HTTP/2 in many situations you cannot
determine if a request has a body or not unless you attempt to read the body,
due to the streaming nature of HTTP/2. As of Deno 1.16.1, for HTTP/1.1, Deno
also reflects that behavior. The only reliable way to determine if a request
has a body or not is to attempt to read the body.
It is best to determine if a body might be meaningful to you with a given
method, and then attempt to read and process the body if it is meaningful in a
given context. For example GET and HEAD should never have a body, but
methods like DELETE and OPTIONS _might_ have a body and should be have
their body conditionally processed if it is meaningful to your application.
- .headers
The headers for the request, an instance of Headers.
- .method
A string that represents the HTTP method for the request.
- .originalRequest
The "raw" NativeServer request, which is an abstraction over the DOM
Request object. .originalRequest.request is the DOM Request instance
that is being processed. Users should generally avoid using these.
- .secure
A shortcut for .protocol, returning true if HTTPS otherwise false.
- .url
An instance of [URL](
which is based on the full URL for the request. This is in place of having
parts of the URL exposed on the rest of the request object.
And several methods:
- .accepts(...types: string[])
Negotiates the content type supported by the request for the response. If no
content types are passed, the method returns a prioritized array of accepted
content types. If content types are passed, the best negotiated content type
is returned. If no content type match undefined is returned.
- .acceptsEncodings(...encodings: string[])
Negotiates the content encoding supported by the request for the response. If
no encodings are passed, the method returns a prioritized array of accepted
encodings. If encodings are passed, the best negotiated encoding is returned.
If no encodings match undefined is returned.
- .acceptsLanguages(...languages: string[])
Negotiates the language the client is able to understand. Where a locale
variant takes preference. If no encodings are passed, the method returns a
prioritized array of understood languages. If languages are passed, the best
negotiated language is returned. If no languages match undefined is
- .body(options?: BodyOptions)
The method returns a representation of the request body. When no options are
passed, the request headers are used to determine the type of the body, which
will be parsed and returned. The returned object contains two properties.
type contains the type of "json", "text", "form", "form-data",
"bytes" or "undefined".
The type of the value can be determined by the value of the type property:
`type` | `value` |
------------- | ---------------------------- |
`"bytes"` | `Promise` |
`"form"` | `Promise` |
`"form-data"` | `FormDataReader` |
`"json"` | `Promise` |
`"reader"` | `Deno.Reader` |
`"stream"` | `ReadableStream` |
`"text"` | `Promise` |
`"undefined"` | `undefined` |
If there is no body, the type of "undefined" is returned. If the content
type of the request is not recognised, then the type of "bytes" is
You can use the option type to specifically request the body to be returned
in a particular format. If you need access to the Deno HTTP server's body,
then you can use the type of "reader" which will return the body object of
type "reader" with a value as a Deno.Reader:
- ```ts
- import { readAll } from "";
- app.use(async (ctx) => {
- const result = ctx.request.body({ type: "reader" });
- result.type; // "reader"
- await readAll(result.value); // a "raw" Uint8Array of the body
- });
- ```
Another use case for the type option is if certain middleware always needs
the body in a particular format, but wants other middleware to consume it in a
content type resolved way:
- ```ts
- app.use(async (ctx) => {
- const result = ctx.request.body({ type: "text" });
- const text = await result.value;
- // do some validation of the body as a string
- });
- app.use(async (ctx) => {
- const result = ctx.request.body(); // content type automatically detected
- if (result.type === "json") {
- const value = await result.value; // an object of parsed JSON
- }
- });
- ```
You can use the option contentTypes to set additional media types that when
present as the content type for the request, the body will be parsed
accordingly. The options takes possibly five keys: json, form, formData,
text, and bytes. For example if you wanted JavaScript sent to the server
to be parsed as text, you would do something like this:
- ```ts
- app.use(async (ctx) => {
- const result = ctx.request.body({
- contentTypes: {
- text: ["application/javascript"],
- },
- });
- result.type; // "text"
- await result.value; // a string containing the text
- });
- ```
Because of the nature of how the body is parsed, once the body is requested
and returned in a particular format, it can't be requested in certain other
ones, and .request.body() will throw if an incompatible type is requested.
The types "form-data", "reader" and "stream" are incompatible with each
other and all other types, while "json", "form", "bytes", "text" are
all compatible with each other. Although, if there are invalid data for that
type, they may throw if coerced into that type.
In particular the contentTypes.bytes can be used to override default types
that are supported that you would want the middleware to handle itself. For
example if you wanted the middleware to parse all text media types itself, you
would do something like this:
- ```ts
- app.use(async (ctx) => {
- const result = ctx.request.body({
- contentTypes: {
- bytes: ["text"],
- },
- });
- result.type; // "bytes"
- await result.value; // a Uint8Array of all of the bytes read from the request
- });
- ```
The option limit can be used when reading non-stream type bodies, like text,
JSON, or bytes. By default it is set to 10 Mib, and ensures that malicious
requests don't cause unexpected behavior in the server. When there is a body,
but it doesn't supply a content length, or the content length exceeds the
limit, trying to await the .value of the body will throw. To disable the
feature and read the body anyways, set the limit option to 0 (or
The context.response contains information about the response which will be
sent back to the requestor. It contains several properties:
- .body
The body of the response, which can often be handled by the automatic response
body handling documented below.
- .headers
A Headers instance which contains the headers for the response.
- .status
An HTTP Status code that will be sent back with the response. If this is not
set before responding, oak will default to 200 OK if there is a .body,
otherwise 404 Not Found.
- .type
A media type or extension to set the Content-Type header for the response.
For example, you can provide txt or text/plain to describe the body.
And a method:
- .redirect(url?: string | URL | REDIRECT_BACK, alt?: string | URL)
A method to simplify redirecting the response to another URL. It will set the
Location header to the supplied url and the status to 302 Found (unless
the status is already a 3XX status). The use of symbol REDIRECT_BACK as
the url indicates that the Referer header in the request should be used as
the direction, with the alt being the alternative location if the Referer
is not set. If neither the alt nor the Referer are set, the redirect will
occur to /. A basic HTML (if the requestor supports it) or a text body will
be set explaining they are being redirected.
Automatic response body handling
When the response Content-Type is not set in the headers of the .response,
oak will automatically try to determine the appropriate Content-Type. First it
will look at .response.type. If assigned, it will try to resolve the
appropriate media type based on treating the value of .type as either the
media type, or resolving the media type based on an extension. For example if
.type was set to "html", then the Content-Type will be set to
If .type is not set with a value, then oak will inspect the value of
.response.body. If the value is a string, then oak will check to see if the
string looks like HTML, if so, Content-Type will be set to text/html
otherwise it will be set to text/plain. If the value is an object, other than
a Uint8Array, a Deno.Reader, or null, the object will be passed to
JSON.stringify() and the Content-Type will be set to application/json.
If the type of body is a number, bigint or symbol, it will be coerced to a
string and treated as text.
If the value of body is a function, the function will be called with no
arguments. If the return value of the function is promise like, that will be
await, and the resolved value will be processed as above. If the value is not
promise like, it will be processed as above.
Opening the server
The application method .listen() is used to open the server, start listening
for requests, and processing the registered middleware for each request. This
method returns a promise when the server closes.
Once the server is open, before it starts processing requests, the application
will fire a "listen" event, which can be listened for via the
.addEventListener() method. For example:
- ```ts
- import { Application } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- app.addEventListener("listen", ({ hostname, port, secure }) => {
- console.log(
- `Listening on: ${secure ? "https://" : "http://"}${
- hostname ??
- "localhost"
- }:${port}`,
- );
- });
- // register some middleware
- await app.listen({ port: 80 });
- ```
Closing the server
If you want to close the application, the application supports the option of an
Here is an example of using the signal:
- ```ts
- import { Application } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- const controller = new AbortController();
- const { signal } = controller;
- // Add some middleware using `app.use()`
- const listenPromise = app.listen({ port: 8000, signal });
- // In order to close the server...
- controller.abort();
- // Listen will stop listening for requests and the promise will resolve...
- await listenPromise;
- // and you can do something after the close to shutdown
- ```
Error handling
Middleware can be used to handle other errors with middleware. Awaiting other
middleware to execute while trapping errors works. So if you had an error
handling middleware that provides a well managed response to errors would work
like this:
- ```ts
- import {
- Application,
- isHttpError,
- Status,
- } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
- try {
- await next();
- } catch (err) {
- if (isHttpError(err)) {
- switch (err.status) {
- case Status.NotFound:
- // handle NotFound
- break;
- default:
- // handle other statuses
- }
- } else {
- // rethrow if you can't handle the error
- throw err;
- }
- }
- });
- ```
Uncaught middleware exceptions will be caught by the application. Application
extends the global EventTarget in Deno, and when uncaught errors occur in the
middleware or sending of responses, an EventError will be dispatched to the
application. To listen for these errors, you would add an event handler to the
application instance:
- ```ts
- import { Application } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- app.addEventListener("error", (evt) => {
- // Will log the thrown error to the console.
- console.log(evt.error);
- });
- app.use((ctx) => {
- // Will throw a 500 on every request.
- ctx.throw(500);
- });
- await app.listen({ port: 80 });
- ```
The Router class produces middleware which can be used with an Application
to enable routing based on the pathname of the request.
Basic usage
The following example serves up a _RESTful_ service of a map of books, where
http://localhost:8000/book/ will return an array of books and
http://localhost:8000/book/1 would return the book with ID "1":
- ```ts
- import { Application, Router } from "";
- const books = new Map<string, any>();
- books.set("1", {
- id: "1",
- title: "The Hound of the Baskervilles",
- author: "Conan Doyle, Arthur",
- });
- const router = new Router();
- router
- .get("/", (context) => {
- context.response.body = "Hello world!";
- })
- .get("/book", (context) => {
- context.response.body = Array.from(books.values());
- })
- .get("/book/:id", (context) => {
- if (books.has(context?.params?.id)) {
- context.response.body = books.get(;
- }
- });
- const app = new Application();
- app.use(router.routes());
- app.use(router.allowedMethods());
- await app.listen({ port: 8000 });
- ```
A route passed is converted to a regular expression using
parameters expressed in the pattern will be converted. path-to-regexp has
advanced usage which can create complex patterns which can be used for matching.
Check out the
if you have advanced use cases.
In most cases, the type of context.params is automatically inferred from the
path template string through typescript magic. In more complex scenarios this
might not yield the correct result however. In that case you can override the
type with `router.get`, where `RouteParams` is the explicit typefor context.params.
Nested routers
Nesting routers is supported. The following example responds to
http://localhost:8000/forums/oak/posts and
- ```typescript
- import { Application, Router } from "";
- const posts = new Router()
- .get("/", (ctx) => {
- ctx.response.body = `Forum: ${ctx.params.forumId}`;
- })
- .get("/:postId", (ctx) => {
- ctx.response.body =
- `Forum: ${ctx.params.forumId}, Post: ${ctx.params.postId}`;
- });
- const forums = new Router()
- .use("/forums/:forumId/posts", posts.routes(), posts.allowedMethods());
- await new Application()
- .use(forums.routes())
- .listen({ port: 8000 });
- ```
Static content
The function send() is designed to serve static content as part of a
middleware function. In the most straight forward usage, a root is provided and
requests provided to the function are fulfilled with files from the local file
system relative to the root from the requested path.
A basic usage would look something like this:
- ```ts
- import { Application } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- app.use(async (context, next) => {
- try {
- await context.send({
- root: `${Deno.cwd()}/examples/static`,
- index: "index.html",
- });
- } catch {
- await next();
- }
- });
- await app.listen({ port: 8000 });
- ```
send() automatically supports features like providing ETag and
Last-Modified headers in the response as well as processing If-None-Match
and If-Modified-Since headers in the request. This means when serving up
static content, clients will be able to rely upon their cached versions of
assets instead of re-downloading them.
ETag support
The send() method automatically supports generating an ETag header for
static assets. The header allows the client to determine if it needs to
re-download an asset or not, but it can be useful to calculate ETags for other
scenarios, and oak supplies the etag object to provide these functions.
There are two main use cases, first, a middleware function that assesses the
context.reponse.body and determines if it can create an ETag header for that
body type, and if so sets the ETag header on the response. Basic usage would
look something like this:
- ```ts
- import { Application, etag } from "";
- const app = new Application();
- app.use(etag.factory());
- // ... other middleware for the application
- ```
The second use case is lower-level, where you have an entity which you want to
calculate an ETag value for, like implementing custom response logic based on
other header information. The etag.calculate() method is provided for this,
and it supports calculating ETags for strings, Uint8Arrays, and
Deno.FileInfo structures. Basic usage would look something like this:
- ```ts
- import { etag } from "";
- export async function mw(context, next) {
- await next();
- const value = await etag.calculate("hello deno");
- context.response.headers.set("ETag", value);
- }
- ```
By default, etag will calculate weak tags for Deno.FileInfo (or
Deno.FsFile bodies in the middleware) and strong tags for strings and
Uint8Arrays. This can be changed by passing a weak property in the options
parameter to either the factory or calculate methods.
There are also two helper functions which can be used in conjunction with
requests. There is ifNoneMatch() and ifMatch(). Both take the value of a
header and an entity to compare to.
ifNoneMatch() validates if the entities ETag doesn't match the supplied
tags, while ifMatch() does the opposite. Check out MDN's
header articles for more information how these headers are used with ETags.
The mod.ts also exports a variable named helpers which contains functions
that help with managing contexts.
getQuery(ctx, options?)
The helpers.getQuery() function is designed to make it easier to determine
what a request might be querying in the middleware. It takes the supplied
context's .request.url.searchParams and converts it to a record object of the
keys and values. For example, it would convert the following request:
- ```
- https://localhost/resource/?foo=bar&baz=qat
- ```
Into an object like this:
- ``` js
- {
- foo: "bar",
- baz: "qat"
- }
- ```
The function can take a couple of options. The asMap will result in a Map
being returned instead of an object. The mergeParams will merge in parameters
that were parsed out of the route. This only works with router contexts, and any
params will be overwritten by the request's search params. If the following URL
was requested:
- ```
- https://localhost/book/1234/page/23?page=32&size=24
- ```
And the following was the router middleware:
- ```ts
- router.get("/book/:id/page/:page", (ctx) => {
- getQuery(ctx, { mergeParams: true });
- });
- ```
Would result in the return value being:
- ``` js
- {
- id: "1234",
- page: "32",
- size: "24"
- }
- ```
The mod.ts exports an object named testing which contains some utilities for
testing oak middleware you might create. See the
As of oak v10.3, oak is experimentally supported on Node.js 16.5 and later. The
package is available on npm as @oakserver/oak. The package exports are the
same as the exports of the mod.ts when using under Deno and the package
auto-detects it is running under Node.js.
A basic example using ESM:
- ``` js
- import { Application } from "@oakserver/oak";
- const app = new Application();
- app.use((ctx) => {
- ctx.response.body = "Hello from oak under Node.js";
- });
- app.listen({ port: 8000 });
- ```
A basic example using CommonJS:
- ``` js
- const { Application } = require("@oakserver/oak");
- const app = new Application();
- app.use((ctx) => {
- ctx.response.body = "Hello from oak under Node.js";
- });
- app.listen({ port: 8000 });
- ```
There are a few notes about the support:
- Currently FormData bodies do not properly write binary files to disk. This
will be fixed in future versions.
- Currently only HTTP/1.1 support is available. There are plans to add HTTP/2.
- Web Socket upgrades are not currently supported. This is planned for the
future. Trying to upgrade to a web socket will cause an error to be thrown.
There are several modules that are directly adapted from other modules. They
have preserved their individual licenses and copyrights. All of the modules,
including those directly adapted are licensed under the MIT License.
All additional work is copyright 2018 - 2022 the oak authors. All rights