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billboard.js is a re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on
D3.js .
The name "billboard" comes from the famous billboard chart which everybody knows.<br>
Documents - Technicals:
- find out more at
Wiki page.
- v2 updates:
- v3 updates:
Questions? If you have any questions, checkout the previous posts or create a new one at:
Supported chart types
Download and Installation
Download dist files from the repo directly or install it via npm.
Dist file list from the repo. (click to expand)
For development (Uncompressed)
You can download the uncompressed files for development
Latest - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.css
Specific version - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.css
For production (Compressed)
You can download the compressed files for production
Latest - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.min.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.min.css
Specific version - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.min.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.min.css
Packaged version (with D3.js inclusion) Packaged version is not an official distribution.
It's to provide an easy way to load 'billboard.js' with dependency.
- Latest
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.pkgd.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/billboard.pkgd.min.js
- Specific version
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.pkgd.js
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/[VERSION]/dist/billboard.pkgd.min.js
Themes If you want apply themes, simply load one of the theme css file provided instead of the default css file.
Dist theme file list from the repo. (click to expand)
datalab - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/datalab.css
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/datalab.min.css
insight - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/insight.css
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/insight.min.css
graph - https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/graph.css
- https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/release/latest/dist/theme/graph.min.css
Nightly version
Nightly version is the latest build from the master branch.
With nightly, you can try upcoming changes prior the official release.
- https://github.com/naver/billboard.js/tree/nightly/dist
The version info will be given as the build datetime: x.x.x-nightly-yyyymmddhhmmss
There're two ways to install from nightly branch directly.
` ` ` js // Specify on 'package.json' file "dependencies" : { . . . "billboard.js" : "naver/billboard.js#nightly" } , ` ` `
` ` ` sh # Run install command from shell $ npm install git + https : //github.com/naver/billboard.js.git#nightly --save ` ` `
Next(Release Canditate) version
Next version is the 'release candidate' build, prior the latest official release.
` ` ` sh # Run install command from shell $ npm install billboard .js @ next -- save ` ` `
Installation with npm
` ` ` sh $ npm install billboard .js ` ` `
Name | For | Description
:---: | :---:| :---: [![bb][badge-@billboard.js/react]][link-@billboard.js/react] | ![React][badge-react] | React component for billboard.js
Using CDN
If you want to use 'billboard.js' without installation, load files directly from one of the CDN providers.
- cdnjs: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/billboard.js
- jsDelivr: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/billboard.js/dist/
- PageCDN: https://pagecdn.com/lib/billboardjs
- unpkg: https://unpkg.com/billboard.js/dist/
Supported Browsers
- Basically will work on all SVG supported browsers.
- <sup>*</sup>Notes for legacy browsers:
- Recommended to use packaged build or construct your own build following [How to bundle for legacy browsers? ](https://github.com/naver/billboard.js/wiki/How-to-bundle-for-legacy-browsers%3F) instruction.
- D3.js dropped the support of legacy browsers since v6 .
- The support isn't fully guaranteed.
|Internet |Chrome|Firefox|Safari|iOS|Android| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |9+* |Latest|Latest|Latest|8+|4+|
Dependency by version
D3.js (required)| billboard.js
:---: | :---:
4.x 5.x | 1.x 2.x
6.x+ | 3.x+
Load billboard.js after D3.js.
``` html <script src = "https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js" > </script > <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "$YOUR_PATH/billboard.css" > <script src = "$YOUR_PATH/billboard.js" > </script > <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "$YOUR_PATH/billboard.css" > <script src = "$YOUR_PATH/billboard.pkgd.js" > </script > ```
or use importing ESM.
` ` ` js // 1) import billboard.js // as named import with desired shapes and interaction modules // https://github.com/naver/billboard.js/wiki/CHANGELOG-v2#modularization-by-its-functionality import { bb , area , bar , zoom } from "billboard.js" ; // or as importing default import bb , { area , bar , zoom } from "billboard.js" ; // 2) import css if your dev-env supports. If don't, include them via import "billboard.js/dist/billboard.css" ; // or theme style. Find more themes from 'theme' folder import "billboard.js/dist/theme/insight.css" ` ` `
Basic usage example
1) Create chart holder element ``` html <div id = "chart" > </div > ```
2) Generate a chart with options ` ` ` js // generate the chart var chart = bb .generate ( { bindto : "#chart" , data : { // for ESM import usage, import 'line' module and execute it as // type: line(), type : "line" , columns : [ [ "data1" , 30 , 200 , 100 , 400 , 150 , 250 ] ] } , zoom : { // for ESM import usage, import 'zoom' module and execute it as // enabled: zoom() enabled : true } } ) ; // call some API chart .load ( . . . ) ; ` ` `
` ` ` Copyright ( c ) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp . Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions : The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM , DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING FROM , OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE . ` ` `
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[badge-gzip-size]: https://img.badgesize.io/https://unpkg.com/billboard.js/dist/billboard.min.js?compression=gzip
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[link-coverage]: https://coveralls.io/github/naver/billboard.js
[link-snyk]: https://snyk.io/test/github/naver/billboard.js?targetFile=package.json
[link-gzip-size]: https://unpkg.com/billboard.js/dist/billboard.min.js
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[link-@billboard.js/react]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@billboard.js/react