
A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.




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A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.

⤴️ Motivation

- **Simplify.** The official `npm run-script` command cannot run multiple scripts, so if we want to run multiple scripts, it's redundant a bit. Let's shorten it by glob-like patterns.
Before: `npm run clean && npm run build:css && npm run build:js && npm run build:html`
  After: npm-run-all clean build:*
- Cross platform. We sometimes use & to run multiple command in parallel, but cmd.exe (npm run-script uses it by default) does not support the &. Half of Node.js users are using it on Windows, so the use of & might block contributions. npm-run-all --parallel works well on Windows as well.

💿 Installation

  1. ``` sh
  2. $ npm install npm-run-all --save-dev
  3. # or
  4. $ yarn add npm-run-all --dev
  5. ```

- It requires Node@>=4.

📖 Usage

CLI Commands

This npm-run-all package provides 3 CLI commands.

- [npm-run-all]
- [run-s]
- [run-p]

The main command is [npm-run-all].
We can make complex plans with [npm-run-all] command.

Both [run-s] and [run-p] are shorthand commands.
[run-s] is for sequential, [run-p] is for parallel.
We can make simple plans with those commands.

Yarn Compatibility

If a script is invoked with Yarn, npm-run-all will correctly use Yarn to execute the plan's child scripts.

Node API

This npm-run-all package provides Node API.

- [Node API]

📰 Changelog


🍻 Contributing


Bug Reports or Feature Requests

Please use GitHub Issues.

Correct Documents

Please use GitHub Pull Requests.

I'm not familiar with English, so I especially thank you for documents' corrections.


Please use GitHub Pull Requests.

There are some npm-scripts to help developments.

- npm test - Run tests and collect coverage.
- npm run clean - Delete temporary files.
- npm run lint - Run ESLint.
- npm run watch - Run tests (not collect coverage) on every file change.

[npm-run-all]: docs/
[run-s]: docs/
[run-p]: docs/
[Node API]: docs/