Mock Service Worker
Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js.
Mock Service Worker
Mock Service Worker (MSW) is a seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js.
"_I found MSW and was thrilled that not only could I still see the mocked responses in my DevTools, but that the mocks didn't have to be written in a Service Worker and could instead live alongside the rest of my app. This made it silly easy to adopt. The fact that I can use it for testing as well makes MSW a huge productivity booster._"
How does it work?
How is it different?
Usage example
- ``` js
- // src/mocks.js
- // 1. Import the library.
- import { setupWorker, rest } from 'msw'
- // 2. Describe network behavior with request handlers.
- const worker = setupWorker(
- rest.get('', (req, res, ctx) => {
- return res(
- ctx.delay(1500),
- ctx.status(202, 'Mocked status'),
- ctx.json({
- message: 'Mocked response JSON body',
- }),
- )
- }),
- )
- // 3. Start request interception by starting the Service Worker.
- worker.start()
- ```

Tip: Did you know that although Service Worker runs in a separate thread, your mock definition executes entirely on the client? This way you can use the same languages, like TypeScript, third-party libraries, and internal logic to create the mocks you need.
How does it work?
How is it different?
Usage example
- ``` js
- // test/Dashboard.test.js
- import React from 'react'
- import { rest } from 'msw'
- import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'
- import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'
- import Dashboard from '../src/components/Dashboard'
- const server = setupServer(
- // Describe network behavior with request handlers.
- // Tip: move the handlers into their own module and
- // import it across your browser and Node.js setups!
- rest.get('/posts', (req, res, ctx) => {
- return res(
- ctx.json([
- {
- id: 'f8dd058f-9006-4174-8d49-e3086bc39c21',
- title: `Avoid Nesting When You're Testing`,
- },
- {
- id: '8ac96078-6434-4959-80ed-cc834e7fef61',
- title: `How I Built A Modern Website In 2021`,
- },
- ]),
- )
- }),
- )
- // Enable request interception.
- beforeAll(() => server.listen())
- // Reset handlers so that each test could alter them
- // without affecting other, unrelated tests.
- afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())
- // Don't forget to clean up afterwards.
- afterAll(() => server.close())
- it('displays the list of recent posts', async () => {
- render(<Dashboard />)
- // 🕗 Wait for the posts request to be finished.
- await waitFor(() => {
- expect(
- screen.getByLabelText('Fetching latest posts...'),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- // ✅ Assert that the correct posts have loaded.
- expect(
- screen.getByRole('link', { name: /Avoid Nesting When You're Testing/ }),
- ).toBeVisible()
- expect(
- screen.getByRole('link', { name: /How I Built A Modern Website In 2021/ }),
- ).toBeVisible()
- })
- ```
Don't get overwhelmed! We've prepared a step-by-step [Getting started]( tutorial that you can follow to learn how to integrate Mock Service Worker into your project.
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Awards & Mentions
![]() | Solution Worth PursuingTechnology Radar (2020–2021) |
![]() | The Most Exciting Use of TechnologyOpen Source Awards (2020) |