Motion One

Animation library built on the Web Animations API for the smallest filesize...


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Motion One

This is the Motion One monorepo. It contains the source code for all Motion One libraries, as well as framework-specific playgrounds.

🕵️‍♂️ Source code

- [motion]( The main entry point for Motion One.
- [@motionone/animation]( A minimal, focused polyfill for WAAPI.
- [@motionone/dom]( DOM-specific APIs like animate and scroll.
- [@motionone/easing]( JavaScript implementations of web easing functions.
- [@motionone/generators]( Keyframe generators like spring and glide.
- [@motionone/solid]( Motion One for Solid.
- [@motionone/types]( Shared types for Motion One packages.
- [@motionone/utils]( Shared utility functions across Motion One packages.
- [@motionone/vue]( Motion One for Vue.

🛠 DevTools

Create Motion One and CSS animations faster than ever with Motion DevTools.

💻 Develop

yarn dev will spin up all the included playgrounds and watch changes to the libraries.

- Motion One for Vue: http://localhost:3000
- Motion One for Solid: http://localhost:3001

📚 Documentation

Full docs are available at