Effortless backends
Effortless backends
Manifest is the simplestBaaS (Backend As A Service) you will find.
Here is an example of a complete Manifest app:
- ```yaml
- # manifest/backend.yml
- name: Healthcare application
- entities:
- ����⚕️ Doctor:
- properties:
- - fullName
- - avatar
- - { name: price, type: money, options: { currency: EUR } }
- belongsTo:
- - City
- �� Patient:
- properties:
- - fullName
- - { name: birthdate, type: date }
- belongsTo:
- - Doctor
- �� City:
- properties:
- - name
- ```
Key features
- ⚡ Instant complete backend with zero configuration
- 🧠 Super-easy syntax to build with ease
- 🛠️ Plug and play with your favorite frontend
Getting started
Simply run this terminal command to add Manifest:
- ```bash
- npx add-manifest
- ```
Community & Resources
- Docs - Get started with Manifest
- Discord - Come chat with the community
- Github - Report bugs and share ideas to improve the product.
Thanks to our first wonderful contributors !