
ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages



The experience and subtlety of your program's text can be important.
Messageformat is a mechanism for handling both pluralization and gender in your applications.
It can also lead to much better translations, as it's designed to support [all the languages] included in the [Unicode CLDR].

This monorepo provides packages supporting JS implementations of both [ICU MessageFormat] (MF1) and [Unicode MessageFormat 2] (MF2):

ICU MessageFormat 1 Packages

- @messageformat/cli - A command-line client for the library
- @messageformat/convert - Converts other localization formats into ICU MessageFormat
- @messageformat/core - The core library that transpiles MessageFormat strings into JavaScript functions
- @messageformat/date-skeleton - Tools for working with [ICU DateFormat skeletons]
- @messageformat/loader - Webpack loader for JSON, YAML, & .properties message files
- @messageformat/number-skeleton - Tools for working with [ICU NumberFormat skeletons]
- @messageformat/parser - Parses MessageFormat source strings into an AST
- @messageformat/react - React hooks and other bindings for messages
- @messageformat/runtime - Runtime dependencies of compiled message modules
- rollup-plugin-messageformat - Rollup plugin for JSON, YAML, & .properties message files

Unicode MessageFormat 2 Packages

- messageformat -_(BETA)_ Intl.MessageFormat / MF2 parser, runtime and polyfill
- @messageformat/fluent -_(BETA)_ Compile Fluent sources into MF2 resources
- @messageformat/icu-messageformat-1 -_(BETA)_ Compile MF1 sources into MF2 formatters

[all the languages]:
[unicode cldr]:
[icu messageformat]:
[unicode messageformat 2]:
[icu dateformat skeletons]:
[icu numberformat skeletons]:

Getting Started (MF1)

Depending on your situation, consult one or more of the following guides:

Alternatively, take a look at our examples or dig into the API documentation if you're looking to do something more involved.

Our [Format Guide] will help with the ICU MessageFormat Syntax, and the [Usage Guide] provides some further options for integrating messageformat to be a part of your workflow around UI texts and translations.

[format guide]:
[usage guide]:

Messageformat is an OpenJS Foundation project, and we follow its Code of Conduct.

OpenJS Foundation