
Static site generator for Deno


Contributor Covenant

Lume is the Galician word for _fire_ but also a (yet another) static site
generator for Deno.

It’s inspired by other general-purpose static site generators, such as
Jekyll and Eleventy, but it’s
faster, simpler and easier to use and configure, besides being super flexible.

- Supports multiple file formats, like Markdown, YAML, JavaScript,
  TypeScript, JSX and Nunjucks, and it’s easy to extend.
- You can hook any processor to transform assets, like Terser for Javascript
  or PostCSS for CSS.
- It’s Deno: Forget about managing thousands of packages in node_modules or
  complex bundlers. Lume only installs what you need. Clean, fast and secure.

- If you like the project and want to provide some support

Quick start

Make sure you have Deno installed.

Create your first page, for example, using the Nunjucks file index.njk:

  1. ```html
  2. ---
  3. title: Welcome to my page
  4. ---
  5. <html>
  6.   <head>
  7.     <title>{{ title }}</title>
  8.   </head>
  9.   <body>
  10.     <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  11.   </body>
  12. </html>
  13. ```

Build it:

  1. ```
  2. deno run -A
  3. ```

This command will compile your documents to HTML and save them into the
directory _site.

Please see CHANGELOG for information about the recent changes.

Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.