Efficient, Expressive, Extensible HTML templates in JavaScript
Full documentation is available at
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lit-html templates are plain JavaScript and combine the familiarity of writing HTML with the power of JavaScript. lit-html takes care of efficiently rendering templates to DOM, including efficiently updating the DOM with new values.
- ``` js
- import {html, render} from 'lit-html';
- // This is a lit-html template function. It returns a lit-html template.
- const helloTemplate = (name) => html`<div>Hello ${name}!</div>`;
- // This renders Hello Steve!to the document body
- render(helloTemplate('Steve'), document.body);
- // This updates to Hello Kevin!, but only updates the ${name} part
- render(helloTemplate('Kevin'), document.body);
- ```
lit-html provides two main exports:
html: A JavaScript template tag used to produce aTemplateResult, which is a container for a template, and the values that should populate the template.
render(): A function that renders a TemplateResult to a DOM container, such as an element or shadow root.
- ``` sh
- $ npm install lit-html
- ```
Forward compatibility with lit-html 2.0
lit-html 2.0 has a new directive authoring API that has been back-ported to lit-html 1.4 in order to ease upgrading.
The lit-html 2.0 directive API is available in new modules whose paths are the same in lit-html 1.4 and 2.0, allowing code to import and use the APIs against either version.
You can import the new APIs like so:
- ```ts
- import {html} from 'lit-html';
- import {directive, Directive, Part, PartInfo, PartType} from 'lit-html/directive.js';
- ```
Then implement a directive class and convert it to a directive function:
- ```ts
- class MyDirective extends Directive {
- // ...
- }
- /** My directive docs **/
- export const myDirective = directive(MyDirective);
- ```
Important note: The AsyncDirective base class is available, but lit-html 1.4 does _not_ implement the disconnected and reconnected callbacks.
For more details on upgrading see the Update custom directive implementations guide.
Please see