
A React based component for a quick implementation of Epg, schedules, live ...


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Planby is a React based component for a quick implementation of Epg, schedules, live streaming, music events, timelines and many more ideas. It uses a custom virtual view which allows you to operate on a really big number of data. The component has a simple API that you can easily integrate with other third party UI libraries. The component theme is customised to the needs of the application design.

Planby preview
Planby preview
Planby preview

Codesandbox example


JW Player logo

We added Planby as the EPG component of the

  OTT web app
. The JWP Web App enables developers to quickly build OTT Apps for web platforms, and using Planby developers can easily visualize schedules for 24x7 live streams in their OTT Apps.

Marco van de Veen
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**Product Manager**
JW Player

Support our activity and help us continue our development -> Open Collective.

Getting Started


- yarn

  1. ```sh
  2. yarn add planby
  3. ```

- npm

  1. ```sh
  2. npm install planby
  3. ```


  1. ```tsx
  2. import { useEpg, Epg, Layout } from 'planby';

  3. const channels = React.useMemo(
  4.   () => [
  5.     {
  6.       logo: '',
  7.       uuid: '10339a4b-7c48-40ab-abad-f3bcaf95d9fa',
  8.       ...
  9.     },
  10.   ],
  11.   []
  12. );

  13. const epg = React.useMemo(
  14.   () => [
  15.     {
  16.       channelUuid: '30f5ff1c-1346-480a-8047-a999dd908c1e',
  17.       description:
  18.         'Ut anim nisi consequat minim deserunt...',
  19.       id: 'b67ccaa3-3dd2-4121-8256-33dbddc7f0e6',
  20.       image: '',
  21.       since: "2022-02-02T23:50:00",
  22.       till: "2022-02-02T00:55:00",
  23.       title: 'Title',
  24.       ...
  25.     },
  26.   ],
  27.   []
  28. );

  29. const {
  30.   getEpgProps,
  31.   getLayoutProps,
  32.   onScrollToNow,
  33.   onScrollLeft,
  34.   onScrollRight,
  35. } = useEpg({
  36.   epg,
  37.   channels,
  38.   startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  39. });

  40. return (
  41.   <div>
  42.     <div style={{ height: '600px', width: '1200px' }}>
  43.       <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  44.         <Layout
  45.           {...getLayoutProps()}
  46.         />
  47.       </Epg>
  48.     </div>
  49.   </div>
  50. );
  51. ```


Custom width and height

  1. ```tsx
  2. const {
  3.   getEpgProps,
  4.   getLayoutProps,
  5.   ...
  6. } = useEpg({
  7.   epg,
  8.   channels,
  9. startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  10.   width: 1200,
  11.   height: 600
  12. });

  13. return (
  14.   <div>
  15.      <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  16.         <Layout
  17.           {...getLayoutProps()}
  18.         />
  19.       </Epg>
  20.   </div>

  21. ```


Time range

  1. ```tsx
  2. const {
  3.   getEpgProps,
  4.   getLayoutProps,
  5.   ...
  6. } = useEpg({
  7.   epg,
  8.   channels,
  9.   startDate: '2022-02-02T10:00:00',
  10.   endDate: '2022-02-02T20:00:00',
  11.   width: 1200,
  12.   height: 600
  13. });

  14. return (
  15.   <div>
  16.      <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  17.         <Layout
  18.           {...getLayoutProps()}
  19.         />
  20.       </Epg>
  21.   </div>

  22. ```




Available options in useEpg


Note about width and height props

Without declaring the width and length properties, the component takes the dimensions of the parent element.


Inject own custom font and other global styles.

  1. ```tsx
  2. const globalStyles = `
  3.   @import url(";500;600&display=swap");

  4.   .planby {
  5.     font-family: "Inter", system-ui, -apple-system,
  6.      "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif,
  7.      "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji";
  8.   }

  9.   // Other styles
  10.   ...
  11. `;
  12. ```

Instance Properties

Properties returned from useEpg


Channel schema


Epg schema



Base props

Available props in Epg



Base props

Available props in Layout.


Render functions

You can use Plaby's style components to develop main features. Moreover, you can integrate with third party UI library eg. Chakra UI, Material UI etc or make custom styles.


Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Program component using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. import {
  3.   useEpg,
  4.   Epg,
  5.   Layout,
  6.   ProgramBox,
  7.   ProgramContent,
  8.   ProgramFlex,
  9.   ProgramStack,
  10.   ProgramTitle,
  11.   ProgramText,
  12.   ProgramImage,
  13.   useProgram,
  14.   Program,
  15.   ProgramItem
  16. } from "planby";

  17. const Item = ({ program, }: ProgramItem) => {
  18.   const { styles, formatTime, isLive, isMinWidth } = useProgram({ program, });

  19.   const { data } = program;
  20.   const { image, title, since, till } = data;

  21.   const sinceTime = formatTime(since);
  22.   const tillTime = formatTime(till);

  23.   return (
  24.     <ProgramBox width={styles.width} style={styles.position}>
  25.       <ProgramContent
  26.         width={styles.width}
  27.         isLive={isLive}
  28.       >
  29.         <ProgramFlex>
  30.           {isLive && isMinWidth && <ProgramImage src={image} alt="Preview" />}
  31.           <ProgramStack>
  32.             <ProgramTitle>{title}</ProgramTitle>
  33.             <ProgramText>
  34.               {sinceTime} - {tillTime}
  35.             </ProgramText>
  36.           </ProgramStack>
  37.         </ProgramFlex>
  38.       </ProgramContent>
  39.     </ProgramBox>
  40.   );
  41. };

  42. function App() {

  43.   ...

  44. const {
  45.   getEpgProps,
  46.   getLayoutProps,
  47. } = useEpg({
  48.   epg,
  49.   channels,
  50.   startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  51. });

  52. return (
  53.   <div>
  54.     <div style={{ height: '600px', width: '1200px' }}>
  55.       <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  56.         <Layout
  57.             {...getLayoutProps()}
  58.             renderProgram={({ program, }) => (
  59.               <Item key={} program={program} {} />
  60.             )}
  61.           />
  62.       </Epg>
  63.     </div>
  64.   </div>
  65. );
  66. }

  67. export default App;
  68. ```

renderProgram - 12 hours time format

Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Program component with 12 hours time format using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. ...
  3. const Item = ({ program, }: ProgramItem) => {
  4.   const {
  5.     styles,
  6.     formatTime,
  7.     set12HoursTimeFormat,
  8.     isLive,
  9.     isMinWidth,
  10.   } = useProgram({
  11.     program,
  13.   });

  14.   const { data } = program;
  15.   const { image, title, since, till } = data;

  16.   const sinceTime = formatTime(since, set12HoursTimeFormat()).toLowerCase();
  17.   const tillTime = formatTime(till, set12HoursTimeFormat()).toLowerCase();

  18.   return (
  19.     <ProgramBox width={styles.width} style={styles.position}>
  20.       <ProgramContent
  21.         width={styles.width}
  22.         isLive={isLive}
  23.       >
  24.         <ProgramFlex>
  25.           {isLive && isMinWidth && <ProgramImage src={image} alt="Preview" />}
  26.           <ProgramStack>
  27.             <ProgramTitle>{title}</ProgramTitle>
  28.             <ProgramText>
  29.               {sinceTime} - {tillTime}
  30.             </ProgramText>
  31.           </ProgramStack>
  32.         </ProgramFlex>
  33.       </ProgramContent>
  34.     </ProgramBox>
  35.   );
  36. };

  37. function App() {

  38.   ...

  39. const {
  40.   getEpgProps,
  41.   getLayoutProps,
  42. } = useEpg({
  43.   epg,
  44.   channels,
  45.   isBaseTimeFormat: true,
  46.   startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  47. });

  48. ...
  49. }

  50. export default App;
  51. ```

renderProgram - RTL direction

Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Program component with RTL direction using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. ...
  3. const Item = ({ program, }: ProgramItem) => {
  4.   const {
  5.     isRTL,
  6.     isLive,
  7.     isMinWidth,
  8.     formatTime,
  9.     styles,
  10.     set12HoursTimeFormat,
  11.     getRTLSinceTime,
  12.     getRTLTillTime,
  13.   } = useProgram({
  14.     program,
  16.   });

  17.   const { data } = program;
  18.   const { image, title, since, till } = data;

  19.   const sinceTime = formatTime(
  20.     getRTLSinceTime(since),
  21.     set12HoursTimeFormat()
  22.   ).toLowerCase();
  23.   const tillTime = formatTime(
  24.     getRTLTillTime(till),
  25.     set12HoursTimeFormat()
  26.   ).toLowerCase();

  27.   return (
  28.     <ProgramBox width={styles.width} style={styles.position}>
  29.       <ProgramContent width={styles.width} isLive={isLive}>
  30.         <ProgramFlex>
  31.           {isLive && isMinWidth && <ProgramImage src={image} alt="Preview" />}
  32.           <ProgramStack isRTL={isRTL}>
  33.             <ProgramTitle>{title}</ProgramTitle>
  34.             <ProgramText>
  35.               {sinceTime} - {tillTime}
  36.             </ProgramText>
  37.           </ProgramStack>
  38.         </ProgramFlex>
  39.       </ProgramContent>
  40.     </ProgramBox>
  41.   );
  42. };

  43. function App() {

  44.   ...

  45. const {
  46.   getEpgProps,
  47.   getLayoutProps,
  48. } = useEpg({
  49.   epg,
  50.   channels,
  51.   isBaseTimeFormat: true,
  52.   startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  53. });

  54. ...
  55. }

  56. export default App;
  57. ```


Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Channel component using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. import { useEpg, Epg, Layout, ChannelBox, ChannelLogo, Channel } from 'planby';

  3. interface ChannelItemProps {
  4.   channel: Channel;
  5. }

  6. const ChannelItem = ({ channel }: ChannelItemProps) => {
  7.   const { position, logo } = channel;
  8.   return (
  9.     <ChannelBox {...position}>
  10.       <ChannelLogo
  11.         onClick={() => console.log('channel', channel)}
  12.         src={logo}
  13.         alt="Logo"
  14.       />
  15.     </ChannelBox>
  16.   );
  17. };

  18. function App() {

  19.   ...

  20.   const {
  21.     getEpgProps,
  22.     getLayoutProps,
  23.   } = useEpg({
  24.     epg,
  25.     channels,
  26.     startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  27.   });

  28.   return (
  29.     <div>
  30.       <div style={{ height: '600px', width: '1200px' }}>
  31.         <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  32.           <Layout
  33.               {...getLayoutProps()}
  34.               renderChannel={({ channel }) => (
  35.               <ChannelItem key={channel.uuid} channel={channel} />
  36.             )}
  37.             />
  38.         </Epg>
  39.       </div>
  40.     </div>
  41.   );
  42. }

  43. ```


Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Timeline component using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. import {
  3.   TimelineWrapper,
  4.   TimelineBox,
  5.   TimelineTime,
  6.   TimelineDivider,
  7.   TimelineDividers,
  8.   useTimeline,
  9. } from 'planby';

  10. interface TimelineProps {
  11.   isBaseTimeFormat: boolean;
  12.   isSidebar: boolean;
  13.   dayWidth: number;
  14.   hourWidth: number;
  15.   numberOfHoursInDay: number;
  16.   offsetStartHoursRange: number;
  17.   sidebarWidth: number;
  18. }

  19. export function Timeline({
  20.   isBaseTimeFormat,
  21.   isSidebar,
  22.   dayWidth,
  23.   hourWidth,
  24.   numberOfHoursInDay,
  25.   offsetStartHoursRange,
  26.   sidebarWidth,
  27. }: TimelineProps) {
  28.   const { time, dividers, formatTime } = useTimeline(
  29.     numberOfHoursInDay,
  30.     isBaseTimeFormat
  31.   );

  32.   const renderTime = (index: number) => (
  33.     <TimelineBox key={index} width={hourWidth}>
  34.       <TimelineTime>
  35.         {formatTime(index + offsetStartHoursRange).toLowerCase()}
  36.       </TimelineTime>
  37.       <TimelineDividers>{renderDividers()}</TimelineDividers>
  38.     </TimelineBox>
  39.   );

  40.   const renderDividers = () =>
  41., index) => (
  42.       <TimelineDivider key={index} width={hourWidth} />
  43.     ));

  44.   return (
  45.     <TimelineWrapper
  46.       dayWidth={dayWidth}
  47.       sidebarWidth={sidebarWidth}
  48.       isSidebar={isSidebar}
  49.     >
  50.       {, index) => renderTime(index))}
  51.     </TimelineWrapper>
  52.   );
  53. }

  54. function App() {

  55.   ...

  56.   const {
  57.     getEpgProps,
  58.     getLayoutProps,
  59.   } = useEpg({
  60.     epg,
  61.     channels,
  62.     startDate: '2022/02/02', // or 2022-02-02T00:00:00
  63.   });

  64.   return (
  65.     <div>
  66.       <div style={{ height: '600px', width: '1200px' }}>
  67.         <Epg {...getEpgProps()}>
  68.           <Layout
  69.               {...getLayoutProps()}
  70.               renderTimeline={(props) => <Timeline {...props} />}
  71.             />
  72.         </Epg>
  73.       </div>
  74.     </div>
  75.   );
  76. }

  77. export default App;
  78. ```

renderTimeline - RTL direction

Below is an example that allows you to render your custom Timeline component using Plaby's style components.

  1. ```tsx
  2. import {
  3.   TimelineWrapper,
  4.   TimelineBox,
  5.   TimelineTime,
  6.   TimelineDivider,
  7.   TimelineDividers,
  8.   useTimeline,
  9. } from 'planby';

  10. interface TimelineProps {
  11.   isRTL: boolean;
  12.   isBaseTimeFormat: boolean;
  13.   isSidebar: boolean;
  14.   dayWidth: number;
  15.   hourWidth: number;
  16.   numberOfHoursInDay: number;
  17.   offsetStartHoursRange: number;
  18.   sidebarWidth: number;
  19. }

  20. export function Timeline({
  21.   isRTL,
  22.   isBaseTimeFormat,
  23.   isSidebar,
  24.   dayWidth,
  25.   hourWidth,
  26.   numberOfHoursInDay,
  27.   offsetStartHoursRange,
  28.   sidebarWidth,
  29. }: TimelineProps) {
  30.   const { time, dividers, formatTime } = useTimeline(
  31.     numberOfHoursInDay,
  32.     isBaseTimeFormat
  33.   );

  34.   const renderTime = (index: number) => (
  35.     <TimelineBox key={index} width={hourWidth}>
  36.       <TimelineTime isBaseTimeFormat={isBaseTimeFormat} isRTL={isRTL}>
  37.         {formatTime(index + offsetStartHoursRange).toLowerCase()}
  38.       </TimelineTime>
  39.       <TimelineDividers>{renderDividers()}</TimelineDividers>
  40.     </TimelineBox>
  41.   );

  42. ...
  43. }

  44. ```



Make your theme custom. Below is theme schema that you can pass as one of the options to useEpg hook.

  1. ``` js
  2. const theme = {
  3.   primary: {
  4.     600: '#1a202c',
  5.     900: '#171923',
  6.   },
  7.   grey: { 300: '#d1d1d1' },
  8.   white: '#fff',
  9.   green: {
  10.     300: '#2C7A7B',
  11.   },
  12.   loader: {
  13.     teal: '#5DDADB',
  14.     purple: '#3437A2',
  15.     pink: '#F78EB6',
  16.     bg: '#171923db',
  17.   },
  18.   scrollbar: {
  19.     border: '#ffffff',
  20.     thumb: {
  21.       bg: '#e1e1e1',
  22.     },
  23.   },
  24.   gradient: {
  25.     blue: {
  26.       300: '#002eb3',
  27.       600: '#002360',
  28.       900: '#051937',
  29.     },
  30.   },
  31.   text: {
  32.     grey: {
  33.       300: '#a0aec0',
  34.       500: '#718096',
  35.     },
  36.   },
  37.   timeline: {
  38.     divider: {
  39.       bg: '#718096',
  40.     },
  41.   },
  42. };
  43. ```

All import options

  1. ```tsx
  2. import {
  3.   Epg,
  4.   Layout,
  5.   ChannelBox,
  6.   ChannelLogo,
  7.   ProgramBox,
  8.   ProgramContent,
  9.   ProgramFlex,
  10.   ProgramStack,
  11.   ProgramTitle,
  12.   ProgramText,
  13.   ProgramImage,
  14.   TimelineWrapper,
  15.   TimelineBox,
  16.   TimelineTime,
  17.   TimelineDividers,
  18.   useEpg,
  19.   useProgram,
  20.   useTimeline,
  21.   Program, // Interface
  22.   Channel, // Interface
  23.   ProgramItem, // Interface for program render
  24.   Theme, // Interface
  25. } from 'planby';
  26. ```


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Karol Kozer - @kozerkarol_twitter