Essential React custom hooks to super charge your components!
A super awesome collection of regularly used custom hooks as utils for React.
List of all hooks
use-boundingclientrect-ref - A hook that tracks the boundingclientrect of an element. It returns a callbackRef so that the element node if changed is easily tracked.
use-boundingclientrect - A React Hooks package for boundingclientrect
use-countdown - Count down to a target timestamp and call callbacks every second (or provided peried)
use-counter - A React Hooks package for counter
use-debounce - Debounce hook for react
use-did-mount - A React hooks package for componentDidMount
use-did-update - componentDidUpdate hook for react
use-document-event-listener - A react hook to an event listener to the document object
use-effect-once-when - Runs a callback effect atmost one time when a condition becomes true
use-event-listener-ref - A react hook to add an event listener to a ref
use-fresh-ref - Avoid stale state in callbacks with this hook. Auto updates values using a ref.
use-fork-ref - A hook that can combine two refs(mutable or callbackRefs) into a single callbackRef
use-fresh-tick - Like use-fresh-ref but specifically for functions
use-fullscreen - A React Hooks package for fullscreen.
use-geolocation - A hook to provide the geolocation info on client side.
use-in-view-ref - Simple hook that monitors element enters or leave the viewport.
use-input - A React Hooks package for input
use-intersection-observer-ref - A hook to register an intersection observer listener
use-interval-when - Sets an interval immediately when a condition is true
use-interval - A react hook for using setInterval
use-isomorphic-effect - Resolves to useEffect when window is not in scope and useLayout effect in the browser
use-key-ref - Very similar to useKey but it returns a ref
use-key - Keyboard key handler hook for react
use-keys - A hook which allows to setup callbacks on multiple keypresses at the same time
use-localstorage-state - UseState but auto updates values to localStorage
use-localstorage - Local Storage hook for React
use-map-state - A react hook to manage state in a key value pair map.
use-media-match - Signal whether or not a media query is currently matched.
use-merge-refs - Merges any number of refs into a single ref
use-mouse - A React Hooks package for mouse
use-multi-selectable-list - A custom hook to easily select multiple values from a list
use-mutation-observer-ref - A hook that tracks mutations of an element. It returns a callbackRef.
use-mutation-observer - A React Hooks package for mutation-observer
use-navigator-language - A React Hooks package for navigator-language
use-on-window-resize - A React hook for window on resize event
use-on-window-scroll - A React hook for window on scroll event
use-online - A React Hooks package for online
use-outside-click-ref - A hook that can track a click event outside a ref. Returns a callbackRef.
use-outside-click - React hook for tracking clicks outside a ref
use-previous-different - usePreviousDifferent hooks returns the last different value of a variable
use-previous-immediate - usePreviousImmediate returns the previous value of a variable even if it was the same or different
use-previous - Access the previous value of a variable with this React hook
use-queue-state - A React hook that manages state in the form of a queue
use-raf - A continuously running requestAnimationFrame hook for React
use-select - A React Hooks package for select
use-selectable-list - Easily select a single value from a list of values. very useful for radio buttons, select inputs etc.
use-sessionstorage-state - useState but syncs with sessionstorage
use-sessionstorage - Session storage react hook. Easily manage session storage values
use-stack-state - A React hook that manages state in the form of a stack
use-throttle - A throttle hook for react
use-time-ago - A React Hook to get time ago for timestamp millisecond value
use-timeout-when - Takes a callback and fires it when a condition is true
use-timeout - A React Hooks package for timeout
use-toggle - A React Hooks package for toggle
use-undo-state - Drop in replacement for useState hook but with undo functionality.
use-update-effect - An useEffect that does not run on first render
use-visibility-sensor - A React Hooks package for visibility-sensor
use-will-unmount - A React hook for componentWillUnmount lifecycle method
use-window-scroll-position - A React hook to get the scroll position of the window
use-window-event-listener - Adds an event listener to window
use-window-size - A React Hooks package for window-size
use-worker - A React Hooks package for worker
✅ Collection of 62 hooks as standalone modules.
✅ Standalone package with all the hooks at one place
✅ CommonJS, UMD and ESM Support
npm i -s rooks
Import any hook from "rooks" and start using them!
- ``` js
- import { useDidMount } from "rooks";
- ```
- ``` js
- function App() {
- useDidMount(() => {
- alert("mounted");
- });
- return (
- <div className="App">
- <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
- <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
- </div>
- );
- }
- ```
Standalone Package
Package containing all the hooks is over here. - Docs and Npm Install
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!