Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and cu...
Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms.
This repository contains the core Botkit library, as well as a series of plugins and extensions for connecting Botkit to messaging and chat platforms and other tools in the bot building ecosystem.
Botkit is part of the Microsoft Bot Framework
and is released under the MIT Open Source license
Use Botkit
Packages included in this repo
Package | Description | NPM |
|--- | |--- | |--- |
[botkit](packages/botkit) | Botkit | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [ | A | [![NPM |
Build Botkit locally
This repo contains multiple inter-linked packages containing Botkit Core, platform adapter packages, and some additional plugins and extensions.
To build these locally, follow the instructions below.
Install lerna and TypeScript globally:
- ```bash
- npm install -g typescript
- npm install -g lerna
- ```
Clone the entire Botkit project from Github.
- ```bash
- git clone
- ```
Enter the new folder and install the dependent packages:
- ```bash
- cd botkit
- npm install
- ```
Use lerna to set up the local packages:
- ```bash
- lerna bootstrap --hoist
- ```
Now, build all of the libraries:
- ```bash
- lerna run build
- ```
To build updated versions of the class reference documents found in packages/docs, run:
- ```bash
- lerna run build-docs
- ```