Floating UI
A low-level toolkit to create floating elements. Tooltips, popovers, dropdo...
Popper is now Floating UI! For Popper v2, visit
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Floating UI is a tiny, low-level library for creating
"floating" elements like tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more.
The library provides two key functionalities:
1. Anchor positioning
Anchor a floating element (like a tooltip) to another element (like a button)
while simultaneously ensuring it stays in view as best as possible with
collision detection.
2. User interactions for React
Hooks and components for composing interactions to create accessible floating UI
Choose the package that suits you.
Vanilla DOM positioning
Use with vanilla JavaScript or a non-React framework
- ``` sh
- npm install @floating-ui/dom
- ```
React DOM positioning
Use with React DOM (view docs).
- ``` sh
- npm install @floating-ui/react-dom
- ```
React DOM interactions and positioning
Craft interactions in addition to anchor positioning
(view docs).
- ``` sh
- npm install @floating-ui/react-dom-interactions
- ```
React Native positioning
Use with React Native (view docs).
- ``` sh
- npm install @floating-ui/react-native
- ```
Canvas or other platforms
Learn about creating a Platform.
- ``` sh
- npm install @floating-ui/core
- ```
Quick start
- ``` js
- import {computePosition} from '@floating-ui/dom';
- const referenceElement = document.querySelector('#button');
- const floatingElement = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
- function applyStyles({x = 0, y = 0, strategy = 'absolute'}) {
- Object.assign(floatingElement.style, {
- position: strategy,
- left: `${x}px`,
- top: `${y}px`,
- });
- }
- applyStyles();
- computePosition(referenceElement, floatingElement, {
- placement: 'right',
- }).then(applyStyles);
- ```
Package entry points
Using webpack, Vite, or Parcel? Skip this section as modern bundlers handle
this for you.
Floating UI uses process.env.NODE_ENV to determine whether your build is in
development or production mode. This allows us to add console warnings and
errors during development to help you but ensure they get stripped out in
production to keep the bundle size small.
This causes an error in Rollup and low/no-build setups. To solve this, Floating
UI exports browser-ready ES modules. Leverage the "browser" package export
condition to use these modules.
Rollup example
The browser option in the nodeResolve() plugin will select browser versions
of packages if available.
- ``` js
- import {nodeResolve} from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
- export default {
- // ...
- plugins: [
- nodeResolve({
- browser: true,
- // Add this line for development config, omit for
- // production config
- exportConditions: ['development'],
- }),
- ],
- };
- ```
This project is a monorepo written in TypeScript using npm workspaces. The
website is using Next.js SSG and Tailwind CSS for styling.
- Fork and clone the repo
- Install dependencies in root directory with npm install
- Build initial package dist files with npm run build
Testing grounds
npm -w packages/dom run dev in the root will launch the @floating-ui/dom
development visual tests at http://localhost:1234. The playground uses React
to write each test route, bundled by Parcel.
Each route has screenshots taken of the page by Playwright to ensure all the
functionalities work as expected; this is an easy, reliable and high-level way
of testing the code.
Below the main container are UI controls to turn on certain state and options.
Every single combination of state is tested visually via the snapshots to cover
as much as possible.
The floating shapes in the banner image are made by the amazing artists
@killnicole and
@liiiiiiii on Figma — check out their work!