Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
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Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
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We are hiring a peer-to-peer WebRTC mobile Web application expert.
DFINITY is building an exciting peer-to-peer WebRTC-based mobile Web app to help improve democracy on the Internet Computer blockchain. The mobile web app connects groups of up to four people in a peer-to-peer WebRTC audio and video call so that they can mutually prove unique personhood.
We are looking for a software engineer or consultant who can help us solve (platform-dependent) reliability issues of our implementation. We are interested in applicants with substantial WebRTC experience for mobile Web apps, experience with different communication patterns (e.g., peer-to-peer, server relay), and substantial problem-solving skills. Having experience in automated testing of this type of applications is a plus. Pay is extremely competitive for the right expertise. For details, please see the full job description.
- ```
- npm install simple-peer
- ```