Validate your env variable using Ajv and dotenv
Utility to check environment variables using JSON schema, Ajv, and
See supporting resources section for helpful guides on getting started.
- ```
- npm i env-schema
- ```
- ```js
- const envSchema = require('env-schema')
- const schema = {
- type: 'object',
- required: [ 'PORT' ],
- properties: {
- PORT: {
- type: 'number',
- default: 3000
- }
- }
- }
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: schema,
- data: data, // optional, default: process.env
- dotenv: true // load .env if it is there, default: false
- // or you can pass DotenvConfigOptions
- // dotenv: {
- // path: '/custom/path/to/.env'
- // }
- })
- console.log(config)
- // output: { PORT: 3000 }
- ```
Custom ajv instance
Optionally, the user can supply their own ajv instance:
- ```js
- const envSchema = require('env-schema')
- const Ajv = require('ajv')
- const schema = {
- type: 'object',
- required: [ 'PORT' ],
- properties: {
- PORT: {
- type: 'number',
- default: 3000
- }
- }
- }
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: schema,
- data: data,
- dotenv: true,
- ajv: new Ajv({
- allErrors: true,
- removeAdditional: true,
- useDefaults: true,
- coerceTypes: true,
- allowUnionTypes: true
- })
- })
- console.log(config)
- // output: { PORT: 3000 }
- ```
It is possible to enhance the default ajv instance providing the customOptions function parameter.
This example shows how to use the format keyword in your schemas.
- ```js
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: schema,
- data: data,
- dotenv: true,
- ajv: {
- customOptions (ajvInstance) {
- require('ajv-formats')(ajvInstance)
- return ajvInstance
- }
- }
- })
- ```
Note that it is mandatory returning the ajv instance.
Order of configuration loading
The order of precedence for configuration data is as follows, from least
significant to most:
1. Data sourced from .env file (when dotenv configuration option is set)
2. Data sourced from environment variables in process.env
3. Data provided via the data configuration option
Fluent-Schema API
It is also possible to use fluent-json-schema:
- ```js
- const envSchema = require('env-schema')
- const S = require('fluent-json-schema')
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: S.object().prop('PORT', S.number().default(3000).required()),
- data: data, // optional, default: process.env
- dotenv: true, // load .env if it is there, default: false
- expandEnv: true, // use dotenv-expand, default: false
- })
- console.log(config)
- // output: { PORT: 3000 }
- ```
NB Support for additional properties in the schema is disabled for this plugin, with the additionalProperties flag set to false internally.
Custom keywords
This library supports the following Ajv custom keywords:
Type: string
Applies to type: string
When present, the provided schema value will be split on this value.
- ```js
- const envSchema = require('env-schema')
- const schema = {
- type: 'object',
- required: [ 'ALLOWED_HOSTS' ],
- properties: {
- type: 'string',
- separator: ','
- }
- }
- }
- const data = {
- }
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: schema,
- data: data, // optional, default: process.env
- dotenv: true // load .env if it is there, default: false
- })
- // config.ALLOWED_HOSTS => ['', '']
- ```
The ajv keyword definition objects can be accessed through the property keywords on the envSchema function:
- ```js
- const envSchema = require('env-schema')
- const Ajv = require('ajv')
- const schema = {
- type: 'object',
- properties: {
- names: {
- type: 'string',
- separator: ','
- }
- }
- }
- const config = envSchema({
- schema: schema,
- data: data,
- dotenv: true,
- ajv: new Ajv({
- allErrors: true,
- removeAdditional: true,
- useDefaults: true,
- coerceTypes: true,
- allowUnionTypes: true,
- keywords: [envSchema.keywords.separator]
- })
- })
- console.log(config)
- // output: { names: ['foo', 'bar'] }
- ```
You can specify the type of your config:
- ```ts
- import { envSchema, JSONSchemaType } from 'env-schema'
- interface Env {
- PORT: number;
- }
- const schema: JSONSchemaType<Env> = {
- type: 'object',
- required: [ 'PORT' ],
- properties: {
- PORT: {
- type: 'number',
- default: 3000
- }
- }
- }
- const config = envSchema({
- schema
- })
- ```
You can also use a JSON Schema library like typebox:
- ```ts
- import { envSchema } from 'env-schema'
- import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
- const schema = Type.Object({
- PORT: Type.Number({ default: 3000 })
- })
- type Schema = Static<typeof schema>
- const config = envSchema<Schema>({
- schema
- })
- ```
If no type is specified the config will have the EnvSchemaData type.
- ```ts
- export type EnvSchemaData = {
- [key: string]: unknown;
- }
- ```
Supporting resources
The following section lists helpful reference applications, articles, guides and other
resources that demonstrate the use of env-schema in different use-cases and scenarios:
A reference application using Fastify with env-schema and dotenv
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