Wild Wild Path
Object property paths with wildcards and regexps
🤠 Object property paths with wildcards and regexps. 🌵
Get/set object properties using:
- ⛏️ Dot-delimited paths:foo.bar.0.baz
- ⭐ Wildcards: `foo., *.bar`
- 🗺️ Regexps:foo./ba?/
- 🏜️ Slices:foo.0:2
- 🚂 Unions:foo bar baz
- ``` sh
- npm install wild-wild-path
- ```
This package works in both Node.js >=14.18.0 and
It is an ES module and must be loaded using
[an import or import() statement](https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c),
not require().
get(target, query, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: any | undefined
Return the first property matching the query.
- ``` js
- const target = { settings: { colors: ['red', 'blue'] } }
- get(target, 'settings.colors.0') // 'red'
- get(target, ['settings', 'colors', 0]) // 'red'
- ```
has(target, query, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: boolean
Return whether the query matches any property.
- ``` js
- const target = { settings: { lastName: undefined, colors: ['red', 'blue'] } }
- has(target, 'settings.firstName') // false
- has(target, ['settings', 'firstName']) // false
- has(target, 'settings.lastName') // true
- ```
list(target, query, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: any[]
Return all properties matching the query, as an array.
- ``` js
- const target = {
- userOne: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 72 },
- userTwo: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['red', 'blue', 'yellow'] },
- }
- list(target, 'userOne.firstName userTwo.colors.0') // ['John', 'red']
- list(target, [
- ['userOne', 'firstName'],
- ['userTwo', 'colors', 0],
- ]) // ['John', 'red']
- list(target, 'userOne./Name/') // ['John', 'Doe']
- list(target, ['userOne', /Name/]) // ['John', 'Doe']
- list(target, 'userTwo.colors.*') // ['red', 'blue', 'yellow']
- list(target, 'userTwo.colors.0:2') // ['red', 'blue']
- list(target, '**.firstName') // ['John', 'Alice']
- list(target, 'userOne.*', { entries: true })
- // [
- // { value: 'John', path: ['userOne', 'firstName'], missing: false },
- // { value: 'Doe', path: ['userOne', 'lastName'], missing: false },
- // { value: 72, path: ['userOne', 'age'], missing: false },
- // ]
- ```
iterate(target, query, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: [`IterableReturn all properties matching the query, as an
This is slower than [list()](#listtarget-query-options) but uses less memory.
- ``` js
- const target = { settings: { colors: ['red', 'blue'] } }
- for (const color of iterate(target, 'settings.colors.*')) {
- console.log(color) // 'red', 'blue'
- }
- ```
set(target, query, value, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
value: any\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: Target
Sets all properties matching the query. The return value is a deep clone
unless the [mutate](#mutate) option is true.
- ``` js
- const target = { colors: ['red', 'blue'] }
- set(target, 'colors.0', 'yellow') // ['yellow', 'blue']
- set(target, ['colors', 0], 'yellow') // ['yellow', 'blue']
- set(target, 'colors.-1', 'yellow') // ['red', 'yellow']
- set(target, 'colors.-0', 'yellow') // ['red', 'blue', 'yellow']
- set(target, 'colors.*', 'yellow') // ['yellow', 'yellow']
- set({}, 'user.0.color', 'red') // { user: [{ color: 'red' }] }
- set({}, 'user.0.color', 'red', { missing: false }) // {}
- ```
remove(target, query, options?)
target: [Target](#target)\
query: [Query](#queries)\
options: [Options?](#options)\
_Return value_: Target
Delete all properties matching the query. The return value is a deep clone
unless the [mutate](#mutate) option is true.
- ``` js
- const target = { user: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 72 } }
- remove(target, 'user.lastName') // { user: { firstName: 'John', age: 72 } }
- remove(target, 'user./Name/') // { user: { age: 72 } }
- remove(target, ['user', /Name/]) // { user: { age: 72 } }
- ```
Functional utilities
[wild-wild-utils](https://github.com/ehmicky/wild-wild-utils) is a separate
library which provides with additional, higher-level methods:
The target value must be an object or an array.
There are two equivalent formats for queries: strings and arrays.
- Query strings are friendlier to CLI usage, more expressive,
and easier to serialize.
- Query arrays are friendlier to programmatic usage, and
faster. Also, they do not require escaping, so they should be used when the
input is dynamic or user-provided to prevent injection attacks.
Query strings
⛏️ Deep properties
- ``` sh
- # Deep properties of objects or arrays.
- # Dots are used for array indices, not brackets.
- # Symbol properties are always ignored.
- user.colors.0
- ```
🚂 Unions
- ``` sh
- # Unions ("or") of queries are space-delimited.
- # The string must not be empty.
- colors name age
- ```
⭐ Wildcards
- ``` sh
- # Shallow wildcards target all properties/items of a single object/array
- user.*
- # Deep wildcards target all properties/items of 0, 1 or many objects/arrays
- user.**
- **.colors
- ```
🗺️ Regexps
- ``` sh
- # Regexps match property names
- user./name/
- # Flags can be used, e.g. to make it case-insensitive
- user./name/i
- # ^ $ must be used to match from the beginning or until the end
- user./^name$/i
- ```
🌵 Arrays indices
- ``` sh
- # Array indices are integers
- user.colors.0
- # Array indices can be negative.
- # -1 is the last item.
- # -0 is the item after it, which can be used to append.
- user.colors.-1
- ```
🏜️ Array slices
- ``` sh
- # Array slices. Goes from the start (included) to the end index (excluded).
- user.colors.0:2
- # The start index defaults to 0, i.e. the beginning
- user.colors.:2
- # The end index defaults to -0, i.e. the end
- user.colors.0:
- user.colors.:
- ```
🪨 Escaping
- ``` sh
- # Dots, spaces and backslashes in property names must be escaped
- name\\ with\\ spaces
- name\\.with\\.dots
- name\\\\with\\\\backslashes
- # Ambiguous property names must be escaped with a backslash at the beginning.
- # This includes properties that:
- # - Are integers but are not array elements
- # - Have multiple slashes and start with one
- name.\\0
- name.\\/not_a_regexp/
- ```
🏨 Root and empty strings
- ``` sh
- # A leading dot can optionally be used. It is ignored.
- user.colors
- .user.colors
- # Root value
- .
- # Empty string properties
- user..colors
- ```
Query arrays
⛏️ Deep properties
- ```es6
- // Deep properties of objects or arrays.
- // Symbol properties are always ignored.
- ['user', 'colors', 0]
- ```
🚂 Unions
- ```es6
- // Unions ("or") of queries are arrays of arrays.
- // There must be at least one item.
- [['colors'], ['name'], ['age']]
- ```
⭐ Wildcards
- ```es6
- // Shallow wildcards target all properties/items of a single object/array
- ['user', { type: 'any' }]
- // Deep wildcards target all properties/items of 0, 1 or many objects/arrays
- ['user', { type: 'anyDeep' }]
- [{ type: 'anyDeep' }, 'colors']
- ```
🤠 Regexps
- ```es6
- // Regexps match property names
- ['user', /name/]
- // Flags can be used, e.g. to make it case-insensitive
- ['user', /name/i]
- // ^ $ must be used to match from the beginning or until the end
- ['user', /^name$/i]
- ```
🌵 Arrays indices
- ```es6
- // Array indices are integers, not strings
- ['user', 'colors', 0]
- // Array indices can be negative.
- // -1 is the last item.
- // -0 is the item after it, which can be used to append.
- ['user', 'colors', -1]
- ```
🏜️ Array slices
- ```es6
- // Array slices. Goes from the start (included) to the end index (excluded).
- ['user', 'colors', { type: 'slice', from: 0, to: 2 }]
- // The start index defaults to 0, i.e. the beginning
- ['user', 'colors', { type: 'slice', to: 2 }]
- // The end index defaults to -0, i.e. the end
- ['user', 'colors', { type: 'slice', from: 0 }]
- ['user', 'colors', { type: 'slice' }]
- ```
🪨 Escaping
- ```es6
- // Escaping is not necessary with query arrays
- ['name with spaces']
- ['name.with.dots']
- ['name\\with\\backslashes']
- ['name', '0']
- ['name', '/not_a_regexp/']
- ```
🏨 Root and empty strings
- ```es6
- // Root value
- []
- // Empty string properties
- ['user', '', 'colors']
- ```
A "path" is any query using only
property names and positive
array indices. This excludes
Paths are returned by the [entries](#entries) option.
- ``` sh
- # Path string
- user.colors.0
- ```
- ```es6
- // Path array
- ['user', 'colors', 0]
- ```
Conversions and comparisons
[wild-wild-parser](https://github.com/ehmicky/wild-wild-parser) can be used to
convert between both formats, or to compare queries.
Undefined values
Object properties with a defined key but an undefined value are not ignored.
However, object properties without any defined key are ignored. The
[has()](#hastarget-query-options) method, [missing](#missing) option and
[entries](#entries) option can be used to distinguish those.
- ``` js
- const target = { name: undefined }
- has(target, 'name') // true
- has(target, 'colors') // false
- get(target, 'name') // undefined
- get(target, 'colors') // undefined
- get(target, 'name', { entries: true, missing: true })
- // { value: undefined, path: ['name'], missing: false }
- get(target, 'colors', { entries: true, missing: true })
- // { value: undefined, path: ['colors'], missing: true }
- list(target, '*') // [undefined]
- list(target, '*', { entries: true })
- // [{ value: undefined, path: ['name'], missing: false }]
- ```
Options are optional plain objects.
_Methods_: [set()](#settarget-query-value-options),
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
By default, the target is deeply cloned.\
When true, it is directly mutated instead, which is faster but has side effects.
- ``` js
- const target = {}
- console.log(set(target, 'name', 'Alice')) // { name: 'Alice' }
- console.log(target) // {}
- console.log(set(target, 'name', 'Alice', { mutate: true })) // { name: 'Alice' }
- console.log(target) // { name: 'Alice' }
- ```
_Methods_: [get()](#gettarget-query-options),
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
By default, properties' values are returned.\
When true, objects with the following shape are returned instead:
- value any: property's value
- path [Path](#paths): property's full path
- ``` js
- const target = { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' }
- list(target, '*') // ['Alice', 'Smith']
- list(target, '*', { entries: true })
- // [
- // { value: 'Alice', path: ['firstName'], missing: false },
- // { value: 'Smith', path: ['lastName'], missing: false },
- // ]
- ```
_Methods_: all except [has()](#hastarget-query-options) and
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false with list|iterate(), true with set()
When false, properties not defined in the target are
- ``` js
- const target = {}
- set(target, 'name', 'Alice') // { name: 'Alice' }
- set(target, 'name', 'Alice', { missing: false }) // {}
- list(target, 'name') // []
- list(target, 'name', { missing: true, entries: true })
- // [{ value: undefined, path: ['name'], missing: true }]
- ```
_Methods_: [get()](#gettarget-query-options),
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
When returning sibling object properties, sort them by the lexigographic order
of their names (not values).
- ``` js
- const target = { lastName: 'Doe', firstName: 'John' }
- list(target, '*') // ['Doe', 'John']
- list(target, '*', { sort: true }) // ['John', 'Doe']
- ```
_Methods_: [get()](#gettarget-query-options),
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might
match both a property and some of its children.
This option decides whether the returned properties should be sorted from
children to parents, or the reverse.
- ``` js
- const target = { user: { name: 'Alice' } }
- list(target, 'user.**') // [{ name: 'Alice' }, 'Alice']
- list(target, 'user.**', { childFirst: true }) // ['Alice', { name: 'Alice' }]
- ```
_Methods_: all except [has()](#hastarget-query-options)\
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might
match both a property and some of its children.
When true, only leaves are matched. In other words, a matching property is
ignored if one of its children also matches.
- ``` js
- const target = { user: { name: 'Alice' } }
- list(target, 'user.**') // [{ name: 'Alice' }, 'Alice']
- list(target, 'user.**', { leaves: true }) // ['Alice']
- ```
_Methods_: [get()](#gettarget-query-options),
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might
match both a property and some of its children.
When true, only roots are matched. In other words, a matching property is
ignored if one of its parents also matches.
- ``` js
- const target = { user: { name: 'Alice' } }
- list(target, 'user.**') // [{ name: 'Alice' }, 'Alice']
- list(target, 'user.**', { roots: true }) // [{ name: 'Alice' }]
- ```
_Methods_: all\
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
If true, wildcards do not recurse on arrays. Array items can
still be matched by using indices or
- ``` js
- const target = [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }]
- list(target, '**')
- // [
- // [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }],
- // { name: 'Alice' },
- // 'Alice',
- // { name: 'Bob' },
- // 'Bob',
- // ]
- list(target, '**', { shallowArrays: true })
- // [
- // [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }],
- // ]
- ```
_Methods_: all\
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
properties of objects that are not plain objects (like class instances, errors
or functions). Those can still be matched by using their
- ``` js
- const target = { user: new User({ name: 'Alice' }) }
- list(target, 'user.*') // []
- list(target, 'user.*', { classes: true }) // ['Alice']
- ```
_Methods_: all\
_Type_: boolean\
_Default_: false
properties that are either
Those can still be matched by using their
When true, inherited properties are not ignored, but not enumerable ones still
Related projects
- [wild-wild-utils](https://github.com/ehmicky/wild-wild-utils): functional
utilities using wild-wild-path's object property paths
- [wild-wild-parser](https://github.com/ehmicky/wild-wild-parser): parser for
wild-wild-path's object property paths
For any question, _don't hesitate_ to submit an issue on GitHub.
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inclusive environment.
This project was made with ❤️. The simplest way to give back is by starring and
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If the documentation is unclear or has a typo, please click on the page's Edit
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If you would like to help us fix a bug or add a new feature, please check our
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ehmicky 💻 🎨 🤔 📖 | Sylvain 🤔 |