Modern Errors

Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way


modern-errors logo

Minified size

Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way.


Simple patterns to:

- ⛑️ Create error classes
- 🏷️ Set error properties
- 🎀 Wrap or aggregate errors
- 🐞 Separate known and unknown errors


- 🚨 Normalize invalid errors
- 🛡️ 100% test coverage
- 🤓 Strict TypeScript types


- [modern-errors-cli]( Handle
  errors in CLI modules
- [modern-errors-process](
  Handle process errors
- [modern-errors-bugs]( Print
  where to report bugs
- [modern-errors-serialize](
  Serialize/parse errors
- [modern-errors-clean]( Clean
  stack traces
- [modern-errors-http]( Create
  HTTP error responses
- [modern-errors-winston](
  Log errors with Winston
- [modern-errors-switch](
  Execute class-specific logic
- 🔌 Create your own plugin


Create error classes.

  1. ```js
  2. import ModernError from 'modern-errors'

  3. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError')

  4. export const UnknownError = BaseError.subclass('UnknownError')
  5. export const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError')
  6. export const AuthError = BaseError.subclass('AuthError')
  7. export const DatabaseError = BaseError.subclass('DatabaseError')
  8. ```

Set error properties.

  1. ```js
  2. throw new InputError('Invalid file path', { props: { filePath: '/...' } })
  3. ```

Wrap errors.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   // ...
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   throw new InputError('Could not read the file.', { cause })
  6. }
  7. ```

Normalize errors.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw 'Missing file path.'
  4. } catch (error) {
  5.   // Normalized from a string to a `BaseError` instance
  6.   throw BaseError.normalize(error)
  7. }
  8. ```

Use plugins.

  1. ```js
  2. import ModernError from 'modern-errors'
  3. import modernErrorsSerialize from 'modern-errors-serialize'

  4. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', {
  5.   plugins: [modernErrorsSerialize],
  6. })

  7. // ...

  8. // Serialize error as JSON, then back to identical error instance
  9. const error = new InputError('Missing file path.')
  10. const errorString = JSON.stringify(error)
  11. const identicalError = BaseError.parse(JSON.parse(errorString))
  12. ```


  1. ```bash
  2. npm install modern-errors
  3. ```

If any plugin is used, it must also be installed.

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install modern-errors-{pluginName}
  3. ```

This package works in both Node.js >=14.18.0 and

This is an ES module. It must be loaded using
[an import or import() statement](,
not require(). If TypeScript is used, it must be configured to
not CommonJS.


⛑️ Error classes

Create error classes

  1. ```js
  2. import ModernError from 'modern-errors'

  3. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError')

  4. export const UnknownError = BaseError.subclass('UnknownError')
  5. export const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError')
  6. export const AuthError = BaseError.subclass('AuthError')
  7. export const DatabaseError = BaseError.subclass('DatabaseError')
  8. ```

Export error classes

Exporting and documenting all error classes allows consumers to check them. This
also enables sharing error classes between modules.

Check error classes

  1. ```js
  2. if (error instanceof InputError) {
  3.   // ...
  4. }
  5. ```

Error subclasses

[ErrorClass.subclass()](#errorclasssubclassname-options) returns a
Parent classes' options are merged with their subclasses.

  1. ```js
  2. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', {
  3.   props: { isError: true },
  4. })
  5. export const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError', {
  6.   props: { isUserError: true },
  7. })

  8. const error = new InputError('...')
  9. console.log(error.isError) // true
  10. console.log(error.isUserError) // true
  11. console.log(error instanceof BaseError) // true
  12. console.log(error instanceof InputError) // true
  13. ```

🏷️ Error properties

Error class properties

  1. ```js
  2. const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError', {
  3.   props: { isUserError: true },
  4. })
  5. const error = new InputError('...')
  6. console.log(error.isUserError) // true
  7. ```

Error instance properties

  1. ```js
  2. const error = new InputError('...', { props: { isUserError: true } })
  3. console.log(error.isUserError) // true
  4. ```

Internal error properties

Error properties that are internal or secret can be prefixed with _. This
makes them
which prevents iterating or logging them.

  1. ```js
  2. const error = new InputError('...', {
  3.   props: { userId: 6, _isUserError: true },
  4. })
  5. console.log(error.userId) // 6
  6. console.log(error._isUserError) // true
  7. console.log(Object.keys(error)) // ['userId']
  8. console.log(error) // `userId` is logged, but not `_isUserError`
  9. ```

🎀 Wrap errors

Throw errors

  1. ```js
  2. throw new InputError('Missing file path.')
  3. ```

Wrap inner error

Any error's message, class and
options can be wrapped using the
[cause option](#optionscause).

Instead of being set as a cause property, the inner error is directly
merged to the outer error,
including its

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   // ...
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   throw new InputError('Could not read the file.', { cause })
  6. }
  7. ```

Wrap error message

The outer error message is appended, unless it is empty. If the outer error
message ends with : or :\n, it is prepended instead.

  1. ```js
  2. const cause = new InputError('File does not exist.')
  3. // InputError: File does not exist.
  4. throw new InputError('', { cause })
  5. ```

  1. ```js
  2. // InputError: File does not exist.
  3. // Could not read the file.
  4. throw new InputError('Could not read the file.', { cause })
  5. ```

  1. ```js
  2. // InputError: Could not read the file: File does not exist.
  3. throw new InputError(`Could not read the file:`, { cause })
  4. ```

  1. ```js
  2. // InputError: Could not read the file:
  3. // File does not exist.
  4. throw new InputError(`Could not read the file:\n`, { cause })
  5. ```

Wrap error class

The outer error's class replaces the inner one.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw new AuthError('...')
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   // Now an InputError
  6.   throw new InputError('...', { cause })
  7. }
  8. ```

Except when the outer error's class is a parent class, such as

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw new AuthError('...')
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   // Still an AuthError
  6.   throw new BaseError('...', { cause })
  7. }
  8. ```

Wrap error options

The outer error's [props](#%EF%B8%8F-error-properties) and
plugin options are merged.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw new AuthError('...', innerOptions)
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   // `outerOptions` are merged with `innerOptions`
  6.   throw new BaseError('...', { ...outerOptions, cause })
  7. }
  8. ```

Aggregate errors

The [errors option](#optionserrors) aggregates multiple errors into one. This
is like
[new AggregateError(errors)](
except that it works with any error class.

  1. ```js
  2. const databaseError = new DatabaseError('...')
  3. const authError = new AuthError('...')
  4. throw new InputError('...', { errors: [databaseError, authError] })
  5. // InputError: ... {
  6. //   [errors]: [
  7. //     DatabaseError: ...
  8. //     AuthError: ...
  9. //   ]
  10. // }
  11. ```

🚨 Normalize errors

Wrapped errors

Any error can be directly passed to the [cause](#wrap-inner-error) or
[errors](#aggregate-errors) option, even if it is invalid,
unknown or not

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   // ...
  4. } catch (cause) {
  5.   throw new InputError('...', { cause })
  6. }
  7. ```

Invalid errors

Manipulating errors that are not
[Error instances](
or that have
can lead to unexpected bugs.
[BaseError.normalize()](#errorclassnormalizeerror-newerrorclass) fixes that.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw 'Missing file path.'
  4. } catch (invalidError) {
  5.   // This fails: `invalidError.message` is `undefined`
  6.   console.log(invalidError.message.trim())
  7. }
  8. ```

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   throw 'Missing file path.'
  4. } catch (invalidError) {
  5.   const normalizedError = BaseError.normalize(invalidError)
  6.   // This works: 'Missing file path.'
  7.   // `normalizedError` is a `BaseError` instance.
  8.   console.log(normalizedError.message.trim())
  9. }
  10. ```

🐞 Unknown errors

Handling known errors

Known errors should be handled in a try {} catch {} block and
That block should only cover the statement that might throw in order to prevent
catching other unrelated errors.

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   return regExp.test(value)
  4. } catch (error) {
  5.   // Now an `InputError` instance
  6.   throw new InputError('Invalid regular expression:', { cause: error })
  7. }
  8. ```

Normalizing unknown errors

If an error is not handled as described above, it is
considered _unknown_. This indicates an unexpected exception, usually a bug.
[BaseError.normalize(error, UnknownError)](#errorclassnormalizeerror-newerrorclass)
assigns the UnknownError class to those errors.

  1. ```js
  2. export const UnknownError = BaseError.subclass('UnknownError')
  3. ```

  1. ```js
  2. try {
  3.   return regExp.test(value)
  4. } catch (error) {
  5.   // Now an `UnknownError` instance
  6.   throw BaseError.normalize(error, UnknownError)
  7. }
  8. ```

Top-level error handler

Wrapping a module's main functions with
[BaseError.normalize(error, UnknownError)](#errorclassnormalizeerror-newerrorclass)
ensures every error being thrown is valid, applies
plugins, and has a class that is either
_known_ or [UnknownError](#-unknown-errors).

  1. ```js
  2. export const main = () => {
  3.   try {
  4.     // ...
  5.   } catch (error) {
  6.     throw BaseError.normalize(error, UnknownError)
  7.   }
  8. }
  9. ```

🔌 Plugins

List of plugins

Plugins extend modern-errors features. All available plugins are

Adding plugins

To use a plugin, please install it, then pass it to the
[plugins option](#optionsplugins).

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install modern-errors-{pluginName}
  3. ```

  1. ```js
  2. import ModernError from 'modern-errors'

  3. import modernErrorsBugs from 'modern-errors-bugs'
  4. import modernErrorsSerialize from 'modern-errors-serialize'

  5. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', {
  6.   plugins: [modernErrorsBugs, modernErrorsSerialize],
  7. })
  8. // ...
  9. ```

Custom plugins

Please see the following documentation to create your own

Plugin options

Most plugins can be configured with options. The option's name is the same as
the plugin.

  1. ```js
  2. const options = {
  3.   // `modern-errors-bugs` options
  4.   bugs: '',
  5.   // `props` can be configured and modified like plugin options
  6.   props: { userId: 5 },
  7. }
  8. ```

Plugin options can apply to (in priority order):

- Any error: second argument to [ModernError.subclass()](#options-1)

  1. ```js
  2. export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', options)
  3. ```

- Any error of a specific class (and its subclasses): second argument to

  1. ```js
  2. export const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError', options)
  3. ```

- A specific error: second argument to [new ErrorClass()](#options-3)

  1. ```js
  2. throw new InputError('...', options)
  3. ```

- A plugin method call: last argument, passing only that plugin's options

  1. ```js
  2. ErrorClass[methodName](...args, options[pluginName])
  3. ```

  1. ```js
  2. error[methodName](...args, options[pluginName])
  3. ```

🔧 Custom logic

The [custom option](#optionscustom) can be used to provide an error class
with additional methods, constructor or properties.

<!-- eslint-disable no-param-reassign, fp/no-mutation,
     class-methods-use-this -->

  1. ```js
  2. export const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError', {
  3.   // The `class` must extend from the parent error class
  4.   custom: class extends BaseError {
  5.     // If a `constructor` is defined, its parameters must be (message, options)
  6.     constructor(message, options) {
  7.       message += message.endsWith('.') ? '' : '.'
  8.       super(message, options)
  9.     }

  10.     isUserInput() {
  11.       // ...
  12.     }
  13.   },
  14. })

  15. const error = new InputError('Wrong user name')
  16. console.log(error.message) // 'Wrong user name.'
  17. console.log(error.isUserInput())
  18. ```

🤓 TypeScript

Please see the following documentation for information
about TypeScript types.



Top-level ErrorClass.

ErrorClass.subclass(name, options?)

name: string\
options: [ClassOptions?](#options)

Creates and returns a child ErrorClass.



_Type_: object


_Type_: [Plugin[]](#-plugins)


_Type_: class extends ErrorClass {}

Custom class to add any methods,constructor or properties.


Any plugin options can also be specified.

new ErrorClass(message, options?)

message: string\
options: [InstanceOptions?](#options-2)\
_Return value_: Error



_Type_: object


_Type_: [any](#wrapped-errors)

Inner error being wrapped.


_Type_: any[]

Array of errors being aggregated.


Any plugin options can also be specified.

ErrorClass.normalize(error, NewErrorClass?)

error: Error | any\
NewErrorClass: subclass of ErrorClass\
_Return value_: Error

Normalizes invalid errors.

If the error's class is a subclass of ErrorClass, it is left as is.
Otherwise, it is [converted to NewErrorClass](#normalizing-unknown-errors),
which defaults to ErrorClass itself.


This framework brings together a collection of modules which can also be used

- [error-custom-class]( Create
  one error class
- [error-class-utils]( Utilities
  to properly create error classes
- [error-serializer]( Convert
  errors to/from plain objects
- [normalize-exception](
  Normalize exceptions/errors
- [is-error-instance]( Check if
  a value is an Error instance
- [merge-error-cause]( Merge an
  error with its cause
- [set-error-class]( Properly
  update an error's class
- [set-error-message]( Properly
  update an error's message
- [wrap-error-message](
  Properly wrap an error's message
- [set-error-props]( Properly
  update an error's properties
- [set-error-stack]( Properly
  update an error's stack
- [handle-cli-error]( 💣 Error
  handler for CLI applications 💥
- [log-process-errors]( Show
  some ❤ to Node.js process errors
- [error-http-response](
  Create HTTP error responses
- [winston-error-format]( Log
  errors with Winston


For any question, _don't hesitate_ to submit an issue on GitHub.

Everyone is welcome regardless of personal background. We enforce a
Code of conduct in order to promote a positive and
inclusive environment.


This project was made with ❤️. The simplest way to give back is by starring and
sharing it online.

If the documentation is unclear or has a typo, please click on the page's Edit
button (pencil icon) and suggest a correction.

If you would like to help us fix a bug or add a new feature, please check our
guidelines. Pull requests are welcome!


💻 🎨 🤔 📖
Patrik Tomášik
Patrik Tomášik
