Extract logic from your apps with a user-friendly node editor powered by Re...

Guides & Examples
- ``` sh
- npm install --save flume
- ```
Defining your nodes
Import FlumeConfig and use it to define the nodes and ports that will make up your node editor.
- ``` js
- import { FlumeConfig, Controls, Colors } from "flume";
- const flumeConfig = new FlumeConfig()
- flumeConfig
- .addPortType({
- type: "number",
- name: "number",
- label: "Number",
- color: Colors.red,
- controls: [
- Controls.number({
- name: "num",
- label: "Number"
- })
- ]
- })
- .addNodeType({
- type: "number",
- label: "Number",
- initialWidth: 150,
- inputs: ports => [
- ports.number()
- ],
- outputs: ports => [
- ports.number()
- ]
- })
- .addNodeType({
- type: "addNumbers",
- label: "Add Numbers",
- initialWidth: 150,
- inputs: ports => [
- ports.number({name: "num1"}),
- ports.number({name: "num2"})
- ],
- outputs: ports => [
- ports.number({name: "result"})
- ]
- })
- ```
Rendering the node editor
To render the node editor, import NodeEditor and pass it your nodeTypes and portTypes from the configuration you created.
- ``` js
- import React from 'react'
- import { NodeEditor } from 'flume'
- import config from './config'
- const App = () => {
- return (
- <div style={{width: 600, height: 800}}> // Give the wrapper a width & height
- <NodeEditor
- nodeTypes={config.nodeTypes}
- portTypes={config.portTypes}
- />
- </div>
- )
- }
- ```
For more complete documentation visit: flume.dev
MIT © chrisjpatty