Puppeteer Recorder

A Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a P...


Headless Recorder 1.0 - Easily generate Playwright/Puppeteer scripts while browsing | Product Hunt

Headless Recorder

Headless Recorder

Github Build Chrome Webstore Users Chrome Webstore Version

🎥 Headless recorder is a Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright/Puppeteer script.

Headless recorder demo

👀 Overview

Headless recorder is a Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script. Install it from the Chrome Webstore to get started!

This project builds on existing open source projects (see Credits) but adds extensibility, configurability and a smoother UI. For more information, please check our documentation.

🤔 Do you want to learn more about Puppeteer and Playwright? Check our open Headless Guides

🏗️ What you can do?

- Records clicks and type events.
- Add waitForNavigation, setViewPort and other useful clauses.
- Generates a Playwright & Puppeteer script.
- Preview CSS selectors of HTML elements.
- Take full page and element screenshots.
- Pause, resume and restart recording.
- Persist latest script in your browser
- Copy to clipboard.
- Run generated scripts directly on Checkly
- Flexible configuration options and dark mode support.
- Allows data-id configuration for element selection.

Recorded Events

  - click
  - dblclick
  - change
  - keydown
  - select
  - submit
  - load
  - unload

This collection will be expanded in future releases. 💪

🔧 How to use?

1. Click the icon and hit the red button.
2. 👉 Hit tab after you finish typing in an `input` element. 👈
3. Click on links, inputs and other elements.
4. Wait for full page load on each navigation.

**The icon will switch from recording icon to waiting icon to indicate it is ready for more input from you.**

5. Click Pause when you want to navigate without recording anything. Hit Resume to continue recording.

⌨️ Shortcuts

- alt + k: Toggle overlay
- alt + shift + F: Take full page screenshot
- alt + shift + E: Take element screenshot

🖥️ Run Locally

After cloning the project, open the terminal and navigate to project root directory.

  1. ``` sh
  2. $ npm i # install dependencies

  3. $ npm run serve # run development mode

  4. $ npm run test # run test cases

  5. $ npm run lint # run and fix linter issues

  6. $ npm run build # build and zip for production
  7. ```

🧩 Install Locally

1. Open chrome and navigate to extensions page using this URL: [chrome://extensions](chrome://extensions).
1. Make sure "Developer mode" is enabled.
1. Click "Load unpacked extension" button, browse the headless-recorder/dist directory and select it.


🚀 Release

1. Bump version using npm version (patch, minor, major).
2. Push changes with tags git push --tags
3. Generate a release using gren: gren release --override --data-source=milestones --milestone-match="{{tag_name}}"

🚨 Make sure all issues associated with the new version are linked to a milestone with the name of the tag.

🙏 Credits

Headless recorder is the spiritual successor & love child of segment.io's Daydream and ui recorder.

📄 License

Delightful Active Monitoring for Developers
From Checkly with ♥️