


Full-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.


Chrome app
NEW! Embed StackEdit in any website with stackedit.js
NEW! Chrome extension that uses stackedit.js


  1. ``` shell
  2. # install dependencies
  3. npm install

  4. # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
  5. npm start

  6. # build for production with minification
  7. npm run build

  8. # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
  9. npm run build --report
  10. ```

Deploy with Helm

StackEdit Helm chart allows easy StackEdit deployment to any Kubernetes cluster. You can use it to configure deployment with your existing ingress controller and cert-manager.

  1. ``` shell
  2. # Add the StackEdit Helm repository
  3. helm repo add stackedit

  4. # Update your local Helm chart repository cache
  5. helm repo update

  6. # Deploy StackEdit chart to your cluster
  7. helm install --name stackedit stackedit/stackedit \
  8.   --set dropboxAppKey=$DROPBOX_API_KEY \
  9.   --set dropboxAppKeyFull=$DROPBOX_FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY \
  10.   --set googleClientId=$GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID \
  11.   --set googleApiKey=$GOOGLE_API_KEY \
  12.   --set githubClientId=$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID \
  13.   --set githubClientSecret=$GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET \
  14.   --set wordpressClientId=\"$WORDPRESS_CLIENT_ID\" \
  15.   --set wordpressSecret=$WORDPRESS_CLIENT_SECRET
  16. ```

Later, to upgrade StackEdit to the latest version:

  1. ``` shell
  2. helm repo update
  3. helm upgrade stackedit stackedit/stackedit
  4. ```

If you want to uninstall StackEdit:

  1. ``` shell
  2. helm delete --purge stackedit
  3. ```

If you want to use your existing ingress controller and cert-manager issuer:

  1. ``` shell
  2. # See
  3. helm install --name stackedit stackedit/stackedit \
  4.   --set dropboxAppKey=$DROPBOX_API_KEY \
  5.   --set dropboxAppKeyFull=$DROPBOX_FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY \
  6.   --set googleClientId=$GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID \
  7.   --set googleApiKey=$GOOGLE_API_KEY \
  8.   --set githubClientId=$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID \
  9.   --set githubClientSecret=$GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET \
  10.   --set wordpressClientId=\"$WORDPRESS_CLIENT_ID\" \
  11.   --set wordpressSecret=$WORDPRESS_CLIENT_SECRET \
  12.   --set ingress.enabled=true \
  13.   --set ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io/ingress\.class"=nginx \
  14.   --set ingress.annotations."cert-manager\.io/cluster-issuer"=letsencrypt-prod \
  15.   --set ingress.hosts[0] \
  16.   --set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0]=/ \
  17.   --set ingress.tls[0].secretName=stackedit-tls \
  18.   --set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]
  19. ```