Little State Machine
React custom hook for persist state management
📠 Little State Machine
State management made super simple
✨ Features
- Tiny with 0 dependency and simple (715B _gzip_)
- Persist state by default (sessionStorage or localStorage)
- Build with React Hooks
📦 Installation
$ npm install little-state-machine
🔗 StateMachineProvider
This is a Provider Component to wrapper around your entire app in order to create context.
- ```tsx
- <StateMachineProvider>
- <App />
- </StateMachineProvider>
- ```
🔗 createStore
- ```tsx
- function log(store) {
- console.log(store);
- return store;
- }
- createStore(
- {
- yourDetail: { firstName: '', lastName: '' } // it's an object of your state
- },
- {
- name?: string; // rename the store
- middleWares?: [ log ]; // function to invoke each action
- storageType?: Storage; // session/local storage (default to session)
- persist?: 'action' // onAction is default if not provided
- // when 'none' is used then state is not persisted
- // when 'action' is used then state is saved to the storage after store action is completed
- // when 'beforeUnload' is used then state is saved to storage before page unloa
- },
- );
- ```
🔗 useStateMachine
This hook function will return action/actions and state of the app.
- ```tsx
- const { actions, state, getState } = useStateMachine<T>({
- updateYourDetail,
- });
- ```
📖 Example
- ```tsx
- import React from 'react';
- import {
- StateMachineProvider,
- createStore,
- useStateMachine,
- } from 'little-state-machine';
- createStore({
- yourDetail: { name: '' },
- });
- function updateName(state, payload) {
- return {
- ...state,
- yourDetail: {
- ...state.yourDetail,
- ...payload,
- },
- };
- }
- function YourComponent() {
- const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({ updateName });
- return (
- <div onClick={() => actions.updateName({ name: 'bill' })}>
- {}
- </div>
- );
- }
- const App = () => (
- <StateMachineProvider>
- <YourComponent />
- </StateMachineProvider>
- );
- ```
⌨️ Type Safety (TS)
You can create a global.d.ts file to declare your GlobalState's type.
Checkout the example.
- ```ts
- import 'little-state-machine';
- declare module 'little-state-machine' {
- interface GlobalState {
- yourDetail: {
- name: string;
- };
- }
- }
- ```
💁♂️ Tutorial
Quick video tutorial on little state machine.

⚒ DevTool
DevTool component to track your state change and action.
- ```tsx
- import { DevTool } from 'little-state-machine-devtools';
- <StateMachineProvider>
- <DevTool />
- </StateMachineProvider>;
- ```