
The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React...



The most straightforward, extensible and incredibly fast state management that is based on React state hook.


Hookstate is a modern alternative to Redux, Mobx, Recoil, etc. It is simple to learn, easy to use, extensible, very flexible and capable to address all state management needs of large scalable applications. It has got impressive performance and predictable behavior.

Any questions? Just ask by raising a GitHub ticket.

Why Hookstate

Migrating to version 4

Documentation / Code samples / Demo applications

Demo application

Development tools

Plugins / Extensions

API reference

Hookstate developers workflow

This is the mono repository, which combine the Hookstate core package, extensions, docs and demo applications. pnpm is used as node_modules manager and nx as a scripts launcher. Each package defines its own rules how to build, test, etc.

From the repository root directory:

- npm install -f pnpm - install pnpm tool
- pnpm install - install node_modules for all packages

- `pnpm nx