The simplest, most powerful way to build a functional web app (fwa)
Build ultra scalable database backed web apps on AWS serverless infrastructure with full local, offline workflows, and more. Full documentation found at:
- Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows
- Architect runtime: Node.js 14+
- Function runtimes & package managers:
- Node.js (optional): supported versions
- [npm]( (optional): 6+
- [yarn]( (optional): 1+
- Python (optional): supported versions
- [pip3]( (optional)
- Ruby (optional): supported versions
- [bundle]( (optional)
- Additional function runtimes:
- Java, .NET, Golang, Lambda runtime layers (optional): supported versions
Make sure you have at least node version 14 installed.
Open your terminal to install arc globally:
- ```bash
- npm i -g @architect/architect
- ```
Check the version:
- ```bash
- arc version
- ```
Protip: run arc with no arguments to get help
Work locally
Create a new app:
- ```bash
- mkdir testapp
- cd testapp
- arc init
- ```
Kick up the local dev server:
- ```bash
- arc sandbox
- ```
Cmd / Ctrl + c exits the sandbox
Deploy to AWS
Deploy the staging stack:
- ```bash
- arc deploy
- ```
Protip: create additional staging stacks with --name
Ship to a production stack:
- ```bash
- arc deploy production
- ```
Add Architect syntax to your text editor
– VS Code
– Atom
Learn more
Head to to learn more!
Founding team
Amber Costley, Angelina Fabbro, Brian LeRoux, Jen Fong-Adwent, Kristofer Joseph, Kris Borchers, Ryan Block, Spencer Kelley
Special thanks
Pinyao Guo for the Architect GitHub name