Ant Design Pro

An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications.


Language : 🇺🇸 | 🇨🇳 | 🇷🇺 | 🇹🇷 | 🇯🇵 | 🇫🇷 | 🇵🇹 | 🇸🇦

Ant Design Pro

An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications as a React boilerplate.
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5.0 is out! 🎉🎉🎉

Translation Recruitment :loudspeaker:

We need your help:


- :bulb: TypeScript: A language for application-scale JavaScript
- :scroll: Blocks: Build page with block template
- :gem: Neat Design: Follow Ant Design specification
- :triangular_ruler: Common Templates: Typical templates for enterprise applications
- :rocket: State of The Art Development: Newest development stack of React/umi/dva/antd
- :iphone: Responsive: Designed for variable screen sizes
- :art: Theming: Customizable theme with simple config
- :globe_with_meridians: International: Built-in i18n solution
- :gear: Best Practices: Solid workflow to make your code healthy
- :1234: Mock development: Easy to use mock development solution
- :white_check_mark: UI Test: Fly safely with unit and e2e tests


  1. ```
  2. - Dashboard
  3.   - Analytic
  4.   - Monitor
  5.   - Workspace
  6. - Form
  7.   - Basic Form
  8.   - Step Form
  9.   - Advanced From
  10. - List
  11.   - Standard Table
  12.   - Standard List
  13.   - Card List
  14.   - Search List (Project/Applications/Article)
  15. - Profile
  16.   - Simple Profile
  17.   - Advanced Profile
  18. - Account
  19.   - Account Center
  20.   - Account Settings
  21. - Result
  22.   - Success
  23.   - Failed
  24. - Exception
  25.   - 403
  26.   - 404
  27.   - 500
  28. - User
  29.   - Login
  30.   - Register
  31.   - Register Result
  32. ```


Use bash

We provide pro-cli to quickly initialize scaffolding.

  1. ``` sh
  2. # use npm
  3. npm i @ant-design/pro-cli -g
  4. pro create myapp
  5. ```

select umi version

  1. ``` sh
  2. Use umi@4 or umi@3 ? (Use arrow keys)
  3. umi@4
  4.   umi@3
  5. ```

If the umi@4 version is selected, full blocks are not yet supported.

If you choose umi@3, you can also choose the pro template. Pro is the basic template, which only provides the basic content of the framework operation. Complete contains all blocks, which is not suitable for secondary development as a basic template.

  1. ``` sh
  2. ? Full or a simple scaffold? (Use arrow keys)
  3. simple
  4.   complete
  5. ```

Install dependencies:

  1. ``` sh
  2. $ cd myapp && tyarn
  3. // or
  4. $ cd myapp && npm install
  5. ```

Browsers support

Modern browsers.



Any type of contribution is welcome, here are some examples of how you may contribute to this project:

- Use Ant Design Pro in your daily work.
- Submit issues to report bugs or ask questions.
- Propose pull requests to improve our code.