
TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js


TypeScript Node

TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js, with source map support. Works with typescript@>=2.7.

Experimental ESM support

Native ESM support is currently experimental. For usage, limitations, and to provide feedback, see #1007.


  1. ```sh
  2. # Locally in your project.
  3. npm install -D typescript
  4. npm install -D ts-node

  5. # Or globally with TypeScript.
  6. npm install -g typescript
  7. npm install -g ts-node
  8. ```

Tip: Installing modules locally allows you to control and share the versions through package.json. TS Node will always resolve the compiler from cwd before checking relative to its own installation.



  1. ```sh
  2. # Execute a script as `node` + `tsc`.
  3. ts-node script.ts

  4. # Starts a TypeScript REPL.
  5. ts-node

  6. # Execute code with TypeScript.
  7. ts-node -e 'console.log("Hello, world!")'

  8. # Execute, and print, code with TypeScript.
  9. ts-node -p -e '"Hello, world!"'

  10. # Pipe scripts to execute with TypeScript.
  11. echo 'console.log("Hello, world!")' | ts-node

  12. # Equivalent to ts-node --cwd-mode
  13. ts-node-cwd scripts.ts

  14. # Equivalent to ts-node --transpile-only
  15. ts-node-transpile-only scripts.ts
  16. ```

TypeScript REPL


  1. ```typescript
  2. #!/usr/bin/env ts-node

  3. console.log("Hello, world!")
  4. ```

Passing CLI arguments via shebang is allowed on Mac but not Linux.  For example, the following will fail on Linux:

  1. ```
  2. #!/usr/bin/env ts-node --transpile-only --files
  3. // This shebang is not portable.  It only works on Mac
  4. ```


You can require ts-node and register the loader for future requires by using `require('ts-node').register({ / options / }). You can also use file shortcuts - node -r ts-node/register or node -r ts-node/register/transpile-only` - depending on your preferences.

Note: If you need to use advanced node.js CLI arguments (e.g. --inspect), use them with node -r ts-node/register instead of the ts-node CLI.


TS Node exports a create() function that can be used to initialize a TypeScript compiler that isn't registered to require.extensions, and it uses the same code as register.


Mocha 6

  1. ```sh
  2. mocha --require ts-node/register --watch-extensions ts,tsx "test/**/*.{ts,tsx}" [...args]
  3. ```

Note: --watch-extensions is only used in --watch mode.

Mocha 7

  1. ```sh
  2. mocha --require ts-node/register --extensions ts,tsx --watch --watch-files src 'tests/**/*.{ts,tsx}' [...args]
  3. ```


  1. ```sh
  2. ts-node node_modules/tape/bin/tape [...args]
  3. ```


  1. ```sh
  2. # Create a `gulpfile.ts` and run `gulp`.
  3. gulp
  4. ```