TanStack Router
Type-safe router w/ built-in caching & URL state management for JS/TS, Reac...

Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React
Visit react-location.tanstack.com for docs, guides, API and more!
Quick Features
- Asynchronous routing
- Promise-based data loaders
- Asynchronous route elements
- Threshold-based pending route elements
- Error boundary route elements
- Code-splitting
- Post-render async loader APIs (stale-while-revalidate, external cache integration)
- Navigation batching with graceful replace/push escalation
- Deeply integrated Search Params API
- JSON-first Search Params
- Full `` and `useNavigate` integration - Full cmd+click support
- Search Param Immutability w/ Structural Sharing
- Batched Updates / Functional Updates
- Route Matching
- Optional Compression w/ JSURL plugin or your own custom parser/serializer!
- Hooks for everything: Router, Matches, Route Matching, Preloading
- Optional route filtering/ranking
- Optional JSX route definitions
- Prepackaged simple cache implementation for route loader caching
- Easy Integration w/ external caches and storage (eg. React Query, Apollo, SWR, RTKQuery)