NanoPop is an ultra-tiny positioning engine. Hold up, isn't there PopperJS?
Yeah - and PopperJS is great! But there are tons of features that, in most cases, you just might not need. This library is less than a third of PopperJS.
When should I use Nanopop and not PopperJS?
1. Situations where you want full control over positioning, including handling events such as scrolling, and manual resizing.
2. Performance-critical cases with lots of elements [...] nanopop will only makes changes if you say so.
3. Poppers with minimal footprint such as drop-downs and tooltips which don't require that much configurability.
4. You might have some special needs about how your popper behaves. NanoPop exposes a function for the sole purpose of positioning something, use it in your own library!
This library was originally part of pickr - now ported to TS with tests and a few updates / bug-fixes.
Heads up! This is the readme for v2 - if you're looking for the first version head over here (v1 is not maintained anymore).
🌟 NanoPop is fully tree-shakable! E.g. if you only use reposition you'll probably end up with less than 500B code!
/* reference: */document.querySelector('.btn'),
/* popper: */document.querySelector('.dropdown'),
/* We're using the default options */
⚠ The popper-element must have set position to fixed.
ℹ Because the default-container is document.documentElement you might have to increase the height of the html element to make room for your popper (e.g. html {height: 100vh;})
All options
// Using a object and reposition directly
// The DOMRect of the container, it used the html-element as default.
// You could also create your own boundary using a custon DOMRect (!
* ⚠ If you omit options entierly you'll have to set both the reference and the popper later when calling .update!
popper.update();// You can pass an object to update which will get merged with the existing config.
Calling popper.update(...) or reposition(...) both returns a position-pair (For example te for Top-End) or null based on if it was possible to find a position for the popper without clipping it._
Tip: The returned position-pair is perfect for tool-tips to give them a little arrow!
1. The popper-element must have position set to fixed.
2. If nanopop cannot find a position without clipping your popper it'll revert its top and left values - you can use css / js to handle this case.