The safety of Typescript with the magic of Tailwind.
The safety of Typescript with the magic of Tailwind.
Typewind brings the safety, productivity and intellisense of Typescript over to Tailwind
- ```js
- import { tw } from 'typewind';
- const styles = tw.border.hover(tw.border_black);
- ```
How it works
Typewind's compiler is a babel plugin that runs over your code, statically analyses it and converts all the tw styles into their corresponding Tailwind classes.
This results Typewind compiles away, leaving 0 runtime code.
- ```js
- import { tw } from 'typewind';
- const styles = tw.border.hover(tw.border_black);
- // ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
- const styles = 'border hover:border-black';
- ```
Zero bundle size - Typewind compiles away all the styles used, and converts them to static classes at build
Apply variants to multiple styles at once - Since Typewind uses TS, it allows for more intuitive syntax for applying variants
- ```js
- import { tw } from 'typewind';
- const mediaStyles = tw.sm(tw.w_4.mt_3).lg(tw.w_8.mt_6);
- const groupInGroups = tw.text_sm.sm(tw.bg_black.hover(tw.bg_white.w_10));
- ```
Type safety and intellisense - Using the TS compiler, Typewind is able to provide type safety to tailwind, and provide intellisense & autocomplete for all the classes from tailwind config.
- ```js
- import { tw } from 'typewind';
- const styles = tw.border_blackk; // ❌ Property 'border_blackk' does not exist on type 'Typewind'. Did you mean 'border_black'?
- ```
The above code would also return in a build error on running tsc
Types generated from config - Type definitions of tw are generated directly from your tailwind config, so it is always custom to you, and also creates types for custom theme palette and plugins.