
Print React components in the browser



Print React components in the browser

So you've created a React component and would love to give end users the ability to print out the contents of that component. This package aims to solve that by popping up a print window with CSS styles copied over as well.


Run react-to-print


npm install --save react-to-print


<ReactToPrint />

The component accepts the following props:

| Name | Type | Description |
| :---: | :--- | :--- |
| bodyClass? | string | One or more class names to pass to the print window, separated by spaces |
| content? | function | A function that returns a component reference value. The content of this reference value is then used for print. Alternatively, pass the content directly to the callback returned by useReactToPrint |
| **`copyStyles?`** | `boolean` | Copy all `