The modern way to write TypeScript
The modern way to write TypeScript.
- Plugins for
- Starter templates for Solid and Solid Start
Quickstart Guide
- ```bash
- # Install
- npm install -g @danielx/civet
- # Run Civet code directly in a REPL
- civet
- # Transpile typed Civet code into TypeScript in a REPL
- civet -c
- # Compile Civet source file to TypeScript
- civet < source.civet > output.ts
- # Execute a simple .civet script (no imports)
- civet source.civet ...args...
- # Execute a .civet source file in node using ts-node
- node --loader ts-node/esm --loader @danielx/civet/esm source.civet
- ```

Code Sample
- ```typescript
- ts, {CompilerOptions} from typescript
- DefaultCompilerOptions : CompilerOptions :=
- allowNonTsExtensions: true
- allowJs: true
- target: ts.ScriptTarget.Latest
- moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs
- module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS
- allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true
- experimentalDecorators: true
- fileCache : Record<string, any> := {}
- createCompilerHost := (options: CompilerOptions, moduleSearchLocations : string[]) ->
- fileExists := (fileName: string) : boolean ->
- fileCache[fileName]?
- readFile := (fileName: string) ->
- fileCache[fileName]
- ```
Civet is essentially a tasteful superset of TypeScript.
Implementations of New and Proposed ES Features
See the documentation for examples of these
and other features.
- Pattern matching (based on TC39 proposal)
- switch can match patterns like [{type: "text", name},]
- data |> Object.keys |> console.log equivalent to
- Use single-argument arrow functions or & shorthand
to specify how to use left-hand side
- |> await, |> yield, and |> return (at end)
for wrapping left-hand side with that operation
- Access: &.name or .name → =>
- Nested access + slices: &.profile?.name[0...3] → => a.profile?.name.slice(0, 3))
- Function call: &.callback a, b →$ => $.callback(a, b))
- Unary operators: !!& →$ => !!$)
- Binary operators: &+1 →$ => $+1)
- Object literal shorthand
- {foo()} → {foo: foo()}, {} → {foo:}
- `{${x}${y}: z} → {[${x}${y}]: z}`
- data.{x,y} or data{x,y} → {x: data.x, y: data.y}
- Flagging shorthand based on from LiveScript:
{+debug, -live, !verbose} → {debug: true, live: false, verbose: false}
- Custom infix operators from any two-argument function
- do expressions, if expressions, for expressions
Convenience for ES6+ Features
- Const assignment shorthand: a := b → const a = b, {a, b} := c → const {a, b} = c
- Let assignment shorthand: a .= b → let a = b
- Typed versions of above: a: number .= 5 → let a: number = 5
(but note that a: number = 5 is the object literal {a: (number = 5)}).
- @#id → this.#id shorthand for private identifiers
- import shorthand: x from ./x → import x from "./x"
- Dynamic import shorthand: import './x' not at top level
(e.g. await import './x' or inside a function) →
- Optional import rename syntax that corresponds to destructuring rename
import {x: y} from "./z" → import {x as y} from "./z". You can still
use as to be compatible with existing ES imports.
- export shorthand: export x, y → export {x, y}
- Triple backtick Template Strings remove leading indentation for clarity
- Class constructor shorthand @( ... )
- ClassStaticBlock @ { ... }
- < as extends shorthand
- /// Block RegExp like Python re.X
JSX Enhancements
Inspired by solid-dsl discussions
and jsx spec issues
you can indent the children and Civet will close your tags for you
- Multiple adjacent elements and/or fragments get automatically
combined into a fragment.
- Arrow function children do not need to be wrapped in braces
(assuming they are not preceded by text); this is unambiguous because
`>` isn't valid JSX text. For example, ` (where function body can be indented).
- #foo shorthand for id="foo";
also #"foo bar", ` #foo ${bar} , #{expr}`
- .foo shorthand for class="foo" (but must be at least one space after
tag name); also, ."foo bar", ` .foo ${bar} , .{expr}`
- "civet react" flag uses className instead of class
- +foo shorthand for foo={true}, -foo/!foo shorthand for foo={false}
- Any braced object literal can be used as an attribute:
{foo} → foo={foo}, {foo: bar} → foo={bar},
{} remains as is; methods and getters/setters work too.
- Attribute shorthand for {}
- Attribute values without whitespace or suitably wrapped
(parenthesized expressions, strings and template strings,
regular expressions, array literals, braced object literals)
do not need braces:
foo=bar → foo={bar}, count=count() → count={count()},
sum=x+1 → sum={x+1}, list=[1, 2, 3] → list={[1, 2, 3]}
- Attributes can use computed property names:
[expr]={value} → {...{[expr]: value}}
- "civet solid" flag adds correct types for JSX elements and fragments.
Use "civet solid client" (default) for client-only code,
"civet solid server" for server-only code (SSR only), or
"civet solid client server" for isomorphic code that runs on
client and server (SSR + hydration).
- XML comments: `` → `{/* ... */}`TypeScript Enhancements
- Auto-rewrite .[mc]ts → .[mc]js in imports (workaround for:
- := readonly class field initializer
class A
x := 3
class A {
readonly x = 3
- Proposal: Typed Destructuring
- Proposal: Dot Notation for Types
- Proposal: Module Interfaces
- TODO: Type Declaration Shorthand
Changes from ES6
- Implicit returns, even for multi-statement functions
(avoid by specifying a void return type, adding a trailing ; or
explicit return, or via the directive "civet -implicitReturns")
- Disallow no parens on single argument arrow function. x => ... must become (x) => ...
The reasoning is x -> ... => x(function() ...) in CoffeeScript and having -> and =>
behave more differently than they already do is bad. Passing an anonymous function to an
application without parens is also convenient.
- for(i of x) ... defaults to const declaration → for(const i of x) ...
- Disallow comma operator in conditionals and many other places. if x, y is not allowed. But for i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++, i *= 2 is allowed.
- Comma operator in case/when instead becomes multiple conditions.
- Numbers can't end with a dot (otherwise would be ambiguous with CoffeeScript slices y[0..x]). This also implies that you can't access properties
of numbers with 1..toString() use 1.toString() instead. When exponent follows a dot it is treated as a property access since an exponent
could be a valid property 1.e10 → 1..e10. The workaround is to add a trailing zero 1.0e10 or remove the dot before the exponent 1e10.
- Additional reserved words and, or, loop, until, unless
- Experimental decorator syntax is @@ instead of @ because @ is premium real estate and @id →, and @ is also static fields/methods, etc.
class X
method() {}
- when inside switch automatically breaks and adds block scope.
- else inside switch adds block scope.
- No whitespace between unary operators and operands. Mandatory whitespace between condition and ternary ? ex. x ? a : b since x? is the unary existential operator.
- Labels written :label (except for special case $: for Svelte)
Scripting Improvements
- Shebang line is kept unmodified in output
console.log "hi"
Comparison to CoffeeScript
Take a look at this detailed Civet // CoffeeScript comparision
ECMAScript Compatibility
You can specify "civet" prologue directives to increase
compatibility with ECMAScript/TypeScript:
Configuration | What |
|---------------------|---------------------------------------| | |
-implicit-returns | turn |
Put them at the top of your file:
- ```
- "civet -implicit-returns"
- ```
Your can separate multiple options with spaces.
Deno Compatibility
TypeScript only allows importing .ts files as .js. Deno follows ESM and requires importing files with the correct extension.
Civet automatically rewrites imports to work around this issue in TS.
When Civet detects it is running in Deno rewriting imports is turned off. If for some reason Civet fails to detect running in Deno
you can turn off rewriting imports manually with these configuration options:
Configuration | What |
|-----------------------|------------------------------------------| | |
-rewrite-ts-imports | disable |
deno | currently |
Other Options
The "civet" prologue directive can also specify the following options:
Configuration | What |
|---------------------|---------------------------------------| | |
tab=NNN | treat |
For example, "civet tab=2" or "civet tab=4" lets you mix tabs and spaces
in a file and be treated like they'd render in VSCode with editor.tabSize
set accordingly.
Using Civet in your Node.js Environment
You have now been convinced that Civet is right for your current/next project. Here is how
to set up your environment to get productive right away and have a Good Time℠.
Code coverage with c8 "just works" thanks to their source map
integration and Civet's source maps.
Currently Civet's ESM loader depends on ts-node
c8 + Mocha
- ```json
- "scripts": {
- "test": "c8 mocha",
- ...
- },
- "c8": {
- "extension": [
- ".civet"
- ]
- },
- "mocha": {
- "extension": [
- "civet"
- ],
- "loader": [
- "ts-node/esm",
- "@danielx/civet/esm"
- ],
- ...
- ...
- ```
ts-node must be configured with transpileOnly (it can't resolve alternative extensions). Also I think module needs to be at least ES2020 for the Civet ESM loader to work.
- ```json
- ...
- "ts-node": {
- "transpileOnly": true,
- "compilerOptions": {
- "module": "ES2020"
- }
- }
- ```
If you don't care for code coverage you can skip c8 (but it is so easy why not keep it?).
You can also add .js and .ts extensions if you want to mix and match! Even .coffee will work if you require coffeescript/register or add a loader for it.
Execute the tests
- ```bash
- yarn test
- ```
Step 4: Enjoy!
Use the alpha version of Civet Language Server
The language server provides syntax highlighting, completions, hover documentation, symbols outline, red squigglies, and go to definition.
Q? Why can't I just use the built-in VSCode TypeScript LSP?
A: VSCode's built in TypeScript LSP can't resolve non .ts/.js, not even with plugins. Maybe one day they'll allow for
plugins that let you adjust the resolver and insert a transpilation step but until then a separate language server is necessary.
Q? Sometimes the file outline disappears and the red squigglies are all in the wrong place and maybe a notification pops up
about some kind of LSP error.
A: I'm sorry that happened to you but the Civet Language Server is still alpha and improving rapidly. Please let me know
exactly what happened and I'll try to do better next time.
It may happen when there is a syntax error in your Civet file. You can check and see if it compiles using the CLI tool in the meantime.
Please do submit bug reports / feature requests.
I strongly recommend using esbuild for building / packaging your Civet project.
- ```javascript
- import esbuild from 'esbuild'
- import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild-plugin'
- ...,
- plugins: [
- civetPlugin
- ]
- }).catch(() => process.exit(1))
- ```
It's super fast and works great!
If you are so inclined, you can sponsor Civet on Open Collective.