30 Seconds of Interviews
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for ...
30 Seconds of Interviews
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
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Interviews are daunting and can make even the most seasoned expert forget things under pressure. Review and learn what questions are commonly encountered in interviews curated by the community that's answered them and go prepared for anything they'll ask. By bringing together experience and real-world examples, you can go from being nervous to being prepared for that next big opportunity.
30 seconds of interviews is a community effort, so feel free to contribute in any way you can. Every contribution helps!
Do you have an excellent idea or know some cool questions that aren't on the list? Read the contribution guidelines and submit a pull request.
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Table of Contents
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[Create a function batches that returns the maximum number of whole batches that can be cooked from a recipe.](#create-a-function-batches-that-returns-the-maximum-number-of-whole-batches-that-can-be-cooked-from-a-recipe)
[Create a standalone function bind that is functionally equivalent to the method Function.prototype.bind.](#create-a-standalone-function-bind-that-is-functionally-equivalent-to-the-method-functionprototypebind)
[What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState?](#what-is-the-purpose-of-callback-function-as-an-argument-of-setstate)
[What is the children prop?](#what-is-the-children-prop)
[What is the difference between the equality operators == and ===?](#what-is-the-difference-between-the-equality-operators--and-)
[What does 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 evaluate to?](#what-does-01--02--03-evaluate-to)
[What is the difference between the array methods map() and forEach()?](#what-is-the-difference-between-the-array-methods-map-and-foreach)
[Create a function that masks a string of characters with # except for the last four (4) characters.](#create-a-function-that-masks-a-string-of-characters-with--except-for-the-last-four-4-characters)
[How do you ensure methods have the correct this context in React component classes?](#how-do-you-ensure-methods-have-the-correct-this-context-in-react-component-classes)
[What is the difference between null and undefined?](#what-is-the-difference-between-null-and-undefined)
[Create a function pipe that performs left-to-right function composition by returning a function that accepts one argument.](#create-a-function-pipe-that-performs-left-to-right-function-composition-by-returning-a-function-that-accepts-one-argument)
[What is the difference between the postfix i++ and prefix ++i increment operators?](#what-is-the-difference-between-the-postfix-i-and-prefix-i-increment-operators)
[What is the this keyword and how does it work?](#what-is-the-this-keyword-and-how-does-it-work)
[What does 'use strict' do and what are some of the key benefits to using it?](#what-does-use-strict-do-and-what-are-some-of-the-key-benefits-to-using-it)
[What are the differences between var, let, const and no keyword statements?](#what-are-the-differences-between-var-let-const-and-no-keyword-statements)
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[What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState?](#what-is-the-purpose-of-callback-function-as-an-argument-of-setstate)
[What is the children prop?](#what-is-the-children-prop)
[Why does React use className instead of class like in HTML?](#why-does-react-use-classname-instead-of-class-like-in-html)
[How do you ensure methods have the correct this context in React component classes?](#how-do-you-ensure-methods-have-the-correct-this-context-in-react-component-classes)
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[What is the purpose of the alt attribute on images?](#what-is-the-purpose-of-the-alt-attribute-on-images)
* [What are `defer` and `async` attributes on a `